Role of IRAP in Faculty Research, Scholarly & Creative Activity
Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning (IRAP)’s primary role and responsibility is to develop information in support of campus decision-making related to educational policy and practice in enrollment planning and management, retention/persistence, and program effectiveness. This includes, but is not limited to, analyzing and reporting institutional data of all types; generating internal and external reports; producing census enrollment and applications reports, producing a campus Fact Book and enhancing the campus reporting infrastructure to develop automated solutions for student and instructional resource data.
Although California State University Dominguez Hills maintains an institutional commitment to faculty involvement in basic and applied research, the dissemination of research results, and creative activity in the visual and performing arts, the role of IRAP in fulfilling that commitment is limited.
During the pre-award phase of a new grant proposal, IRAP will not charge a service fee to provide standard data collected (i.e., student demographics information, student enrollment in courses or programs). During the post- award phase of a grant, there will be no charge to provide standard data typically collected by the office.
During the preparation of the grant proposal if principal investigators anticipate the need for ongoing, customized data collection or analysis support beyond that which is typically provided by IRAP, they must include sufficient funding for these services in the budget proposal based on an estimated cost. IRAP will bill for such services based on the hourly rate of the individual providing them including any duplication, supplies, or clerical support required to complete the task.
All Revision & Review Approved Dates
Origination Policy Code AAIR001.001 renamed to AA 2006-29 in 2014.
Attachments and Links
Approved Signatures
Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: 10-11-2006
Area Manager/Owner
Approved: Faculty Affairs and Development
Date: N/A
Older Version Approval Signatures
Approved: N/A
Date: N/A