Repeat and Cancel Policy
Repeat and Cancel may be used by students working toward a baccalaureate degree. It may not be used by graduate/post-baccalaureate students working on master’s degrees, graduate certificates, teaching credentials, or by “undeclared” graduate students, even when they might take undergraduate courses.
In the case of a repeated course, the subsequent grade is substituted for the earlier one in the computation of units attempted and GPA. The previous course grade(s) remain(s) on the record, but is/are annotated as being discounted from grade-point-average calculation.
Repeat and Cancel may be used up to a total of eighteen (18) semester units taken at CSU Dominguez Hills. Repeat and Cancel may be used only on grades of “WU”, “F”, “D”,”D+”, “C-”, “IC”.
Beginning fall 2008 Repeat and Cancel will be done automatically for the first eighteen (18) units repeated. Undergraduate students may file a form with the Records Office requesting alternative Repeat and Cancels on other courses.
A grade entered as a result of the student disciplinary process under Executive Order No. 628 cannot be cancelled and will be computed in the grade point average.
Graduate and post baccalaureate students may repeat courses; however, the two grades will be averaged into the total grade point average. Unit credit for the courses will be be granted only once. Courses may be repeated only once.
Repeat and Cancel may only be used on courses taken at CSUDH and repeated at CSUDH or another CSU campus through summer session, concurrent enrollment or visitor status.
All Revision & Review Approved Dates
Origination Policy Code AAAP045.001 renamed to AA 2007-13 in 2014.
Attachments and Links
Approved Signatures
Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: 03/19/2007
Area Manager/Owner
Approved: Undergraduate Studies
Date: N/A
Older Version Approval Signatures
Approved: N/A
Date: N/A