AA 2007-20

Policy Code: AA 2007-20

Status: Active

Supersedes: PM 98-05; AAAP010.003

Resolution: N/A

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 08/20/2007

Effective: 08/20/2007

Last Revised: 08/20/2007

Next Review: 04/25/2025

General Education Committee


The General Education Committee (GEC) provides leadership for the General Education program through oversight of its curriculum, courses, and the quality of teaching and learning in the program. GEC will be composed of approximately thirteen (13) voting members, including the Chair, and four (4) non-voting members.


The Committee initiates and/or approves proposals for curricular modification, conducts periodic area-by- area program review as well as student learning outcomes assessment and program assessment in accord with CSUDH policies for such procedures, and implements policies governing the program as a whole.


The membership of GEC shall be comprised as follows:

Voting Members:

  • Academic Senate appointment
  • Student representative
  • Faculty member each from the Colleges of Arts and Humanities, Health and Human Services, Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Education, and Business Administration and Public Policy.
  • Faculty member from the "social sciences" elected by the faculty of Anthropology, Economics, Histo1y, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology Departments. The Dean of the College of Business and Public Policy is charged with the responsibility for conducting this election.
  • Faculty member from the "natural sciences" elected by the faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Physics Departments. The Dean of the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences is charged with the responsibility for conducting this election,
  • Faculty member from the "humanities" elected by the faculty from Africana Studies, Art, Asian Pacific Studies, Chicano/a Studies, Communications, Dance, English, Foreign languages, Interdisciplinary Studies, Music, Philosophy and Theater Arts. The Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities is charged with the responsibility for conducting this election.
  • Chairs/coordinators of Area F subcommittees (Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences)

Ex-officio (non-voting) Members:

  • University Library representative
  • Director, University Advising Center
  • Chair, Liberal Studies. Department
  • 1 Representative appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Articulation Officer
  • Staff support will be provided by Academic Programs


To maintain continuity in decision making, all terms of service will be staggered and members will serve for a period of two academic years. A faculty member elected by the committee members will serve as chair for a one-year term which may be renewed.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Origination Policy Code AAAP010.004 renamed to AA 2007-20 in 2014.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Samuel L. Wiley, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 08/21/2007

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A