AA 2012-04

Policy Code: AA 2012-04

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2005-28

Resolution: FPC 12-03

Area: Faculty Affairs and Development

Origination: 05/22/2012

Effective: 05/22/2012

Last Revised: 05/22/2012

Next Review: 04/30/2025

Recruitment of Tenure-Track and Other Full-Time Faculty

1.0 Reference

This policy supersedes AA 2005-28 (AAPS044.001).

2.0 Policy

2.1 Elected search committees are required for hiring all full-time faculty. Each department or equivalent unit shall elect a committee of full-time faculty members for the purpose of reviewing and recommending appointments and granting retreat rights. The majority of members serving on search committees shall be tenured and/or tenure track faculty. The department or equivalent unit may also elect full-time faculty members from a related discipline outside the department or equivalent unit.

2.2 Full-time academic appointments will be made in accordance with the Unit 3 (faculty) collective bargaining agreement.

2.3 The department or equivalent unit shall develop a faculty position description and vacancy announcement. Position descriptions and the vacancy announcement require approval by the Dean and Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs before the search can begin.

2.4 All tenure-track faculty positions shall be publicized nationally in publications that draw the attention of the largest number of qualified persons. It is recommended that relevant publications typically read by members of historically under-represented groups also be targeted.

2.5 The Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Development shall meet with lhe search committee before screening candidates to discuss appropriate recruitment procedures and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) issues. The Associate Vice President shall also assist departments in the researching of needs and recruitment of appropriate candidates, shall provide appropriate materials, and shall identify appropriate strategies.

2.6 Search committee business involving the preliminary screening, interviewing and formulation of recommendations shall be conducted only if al] of the members are present or the proceedings are recorded and absent members subsequently review these recordings.

2.7 A search committee may conduct preliminary interviews by telephone or video conferencing in which all search committee members are present or the interview is recorded.

2.8 On campus interviews will be required of candidates who are selected as finalists.

2.9 Unless there are compelling reasons, no fewer than three qualified finalists will be recommended to the Dean to be interviewed.

2.10 A cover memorandum listing the strengths and weaknesses of each final candidate interviewed shall be submitted to the Dean.

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 The department chair or equivalent officer shall:

3.1.1 After consultation with the faculty in their unit, submit a department-level
recruitment request to the Dean.

3.1.2 Attach a proposed position description and vacancy announcement to each
recruitment request.

3.1.3 Review resource availability and programmatic needs with the Dean.

3.1.4 Oversee the conduct of the search committee.

3.1.5 Confirm that all members of the search committee review and comply with this
updated policy.

3 .1.6 Conduct an election through a secret ballot to form a search committee for
each approved position. The search committee chair sha ll be elected by the search committee.

3. 1. 7 Submit the names of committee members to the Dean and the Office of Faculty
Affairs and Development.

3.1.8 Submit to the Dean an independent assessment of the finalist(s) unless he/she
serves as a member of the search committee.

3.1.9 Meet with the Dean to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the finalists for a
tenure -track appointment.

3.2 The Dean shall:

3.2.1 Interview all finalists

3.2.2 Make a recommendation to the Provost that include s supporting data , funding
source(s), and a programmatic justification.

3.2.3 Prior to final consideration by the Provost, recruitment requests shall be
reviewed by Central Academic Affairs to verify that resources are available
and University policies and procedures have been followed.

3.2.4 When the tem1s of the appointment have been completed. the Dean shall
prepare a recommendation and a Request to Appoint packet for submission to
the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.

3.2.5 Forward the recommendation to the Provost for final approval.

3.2.6 The Provost may interview all finalists.

3.3 No interviews shall be scheduled without the Deans approval of the interview pool. If
the Dean authorizes the interviews to proceed. the chair of the search committee shall
schedule interviews for finalists.

3.4 After the search committee has completed its interview(s) and assessment of the
finalist(s). the search committee chair sha ll submit a written assessment(s) of the
strengths and weaknesses of each finalist to the Dean and the department chair, if not a
member of the search committee.

3.5 After EEO approval is received from the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.
the Dean after consultation with the Provost. may begin the process of discussing
terms of appointment with the finalist.

3.5.1 The Dean must advise the finalist that the terms to which they agree will
constitute a recommendation that the Dean will make to the Provost and that
the final written offer shall come from the Provost.

3.5.2 The Office of faculty Affairs and Development shall review the Request to
Appoint packet.

3.6 The Provost shall write a Letter of Appointment and forward it to the finalist.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Origination Policy Code AAP 007.001 renamed to AA 2012-04 in 2014.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Ramon S. Torrecilha, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 05/23/2012

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Faculty Affairs and Development

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A