AA 2014-04

Policy Code: AA 2014-04

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2007-05

Resolution: N/A

Area: Vice Provost

Origination: 12/04/2014

Effective: 12/04/2014

Last Revised: 12/04/2014

Next Review: 04/30/2025

Principles of Effective Allocation and Utilization of Office Space

Pressure for office space will continue to intensify over the foreseeable future as a result of increased recruitment. As departments grow and faculty ranks continue to expand, typically at uneven rates, the Dean’s Office will reallocate office space based on department needs and other college-wide priorities in consultation with the Academic Affairs Facilities & Space Committee (AAFSC). While preserving a culture of “departmental ownership” is attractive in principle, it is not always realistic, nor pragmatic as departments and programs continue to evolve in size and scope. The Dean’s Office will consult and work closely with department chairs and program coordinators to collegially determine office allocations.

Given our present conditions and future prospects, the Colleges have adopted the following Principles of Effective Allocation and Utilization of Office Space and possible future reallocations:

  1. The Academic Resources Management and Planning Office, upon recommendation of AAFSC and approval by the Provost, allocates all space (offices, instructional rooms, storages, conference room, etc.) to colleges. These allocations are based on changes in demand, special functional designs, program growth or contraction, changes to curricula, instructional deliveries, support functions, faculty recruitments, grant activities, and special uses which are supported of the learning, teaching, and research mission of the university. These allocations can be reallocated amongst the colleges to accommodate any changes in these criteria. The President may also approve modifications to the use of space as recommended by the Vice President of Administration and Finance.
  2. Each College is committed to providing private office space to all full-time faculty members. Full-time faculty teaching off campus or completely online for a year or more will be required to share an office as needed.
  3. Space no longer in use by a College will revert back to central Academic Affairs for re- allocation. Colleges shall not unilaterally allocate unused space to other colleges or any other areas on campus.
  4. Modifications to any office space must be shared with AAFSC via the Academic Affairs Space Request Form. Modifications may impact the functionality, capacity and/or ADA compliance of the space which will require additional review and approval from AAFSC and/or Facilities Services.
  5. Participants in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) typically receive private office space only during those semesters in which they are teaching and/or completing other assignments full-time on campus. FERP faculty who are not teaching or who are teaching less than full-time are expected to share offices.
  6. The offices of faculty on sabbaticals or other types of leave typically are used by departments to house replacement faculty. Other arrangements are to be made on a case-by-case basis through advance consultation with the department chair and with the approval of the Dean.
  7. Retired faculty who are not teaching will not be furnished office space by the department or the college. Upon retirement, faculty must vacate their private office prior to the beginning of the following regular semester.
  8. All part-time and Emeriti faculty are expected to share office space with others. Shared arrangements typically will not exceed three persons per workstation area. Colleges need to verify/confirm occupants of the aforementioned stations.
  9. Clerical and technical support personnel will be furnished office spaces commensurate with their time base and complexity of duties.
  10. Teaching associates and graduate assistants typically are not assigned their own office space.
  11. All other office space requests (e.g., office space for grants) will be considered after they have been reviewed and recommended for action by other appropriate offices (Graduate Studies & Research, Dean’s Offices, etc.) and recommended by the AAFSC and the above principles have been taken into account. 

Adopted by Chairs Date:


TO: Department Chairs/Program

FROM: Dean of X

SUBJECT: Principles of Effective Allocation and Utilization of Office Space

The attached statement of Principles of Effective Allocation and Utilization of Office Space was adopted by the Academic Affairs Facilities & Space Committee and the Colleges. Please see that copies of this document are distributed to faculty and staff housed in your respective programs.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes AA 2007-05.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Ellen Junn, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 12/04/2015

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Vice Provost

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A