Guidelines and Rationale for Campus Tenure-Track Lines
1.0 This policy intends to facilitate the achievement of Goal #1, Objective A, Strategy #1 in the 2014-2020 University Strategic Plan to:
1.1 “Conduct a comprehensive faculty flow data analysis of tenured and tenure-track faculty in order to develop a campus multi-year plan of faculty hiring.”
2.0 Each academic year the Provost, along with the Office of Faculty Affairs & Development (FAD) and the Deans, will discuss the guiding principles and processes for decisions regarding the prioritization and allocation of new and “replacement” tenure-track lines, both at the College and University levels in the Academic Senate.
3.0 After consultation with the Academic Senate the Provost, along with the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development, will issue a “Call for Faculty Hires” to the Deans providing the positions that should be filled within the allotted academic year.
4.0 The Office of Faculty Affairs & Development will post each “Faculty Recruitment Flow Process Chart” before the new academic year.
5.0 FAD will generate, publish, and update the faculty position data annually, showing the distribution of tenure-track faculty by College and by Departments by each September. This information includes:
5.1 Hires
5.2 Retires
5.3 Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) participants
5.4 Leaves
6.0 The Provost and Deans utilize the above data to develop a multi-year plan for hiring tenure-track faculty.
7.0 The Deans, in conjunction with the Department Chairs and Program Coordinators, will provide the following information for the multi-year plan:
7.1 Department Background
7.2 Current Curricular Responsibilities
7.3 Faculty Competencies
7.4 Anticipated Needs
7.5 Program Review Data
7.6 Diversity Efforts
7.7 Graduation Rates
7.8 Retention Rates
8.0 During the fall, the Provost and the Deans will discuss the new and “replacement” tenure-track hiring needs in the Colleges for the coming academic year.
9.0 Each year, before the end of the spring semester, the Provost will provide, in a report to the Academic Senate, a rationale for the allocation of new and “replacement” tenure-track lines for the upcoming academic year.
10.0 The Deans will report before the end of the spring semester to the Academic Senate and the Provost the hiring and replacement line needs within their College.
11.0 If changes to the University budget require changes to recruitment plans approved in the spring semester, the Provost shall update the Academic Senate and Dean’s report in a timely fashion to the Colleges.