AA 2018-03

Policy Code: AA 2018-03

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2014-02; AA 2006-15

Resolution: N/A

Area: Vice Provost

Origination: 09/26/2018

Effective: 09/26/2018

Last Revised: 09/26/2018

Next Review: 09/26/2025

Principles of Academic Affairs Facilities and Equitable Space Management

1.0  Overview

1.1 The Academic Affairs Facilities and Space Committee (AAFSC) was established in response to a Faculty Committee resolution (FPC 02-06) of the CSUDH Academic Senate (Senate) and the recommendations of the Academic Master Plan Council. Both suggested that the Division of Academic Affairs Establish a committee to make recommendations and take actions related to instructional space and facilities in the University.

2.0 Committee and Charge

2.1 Committee

2.1.1 The AAFSC is comprised of the following parties: Vice Provost to serve as co-chair; Senior Analyst of Academic Facilities & Class Schedule to serve as co-chair; Associate Deans from each College; College Schedulers; Faculty representatives from each College as appointed by the Senate that shall serve two-year staggered terms of appointment; Associate Dean from the University Library; A representative from Facilities Planning & Construction Management; A representative from Facilities Services; And a representative from the Associated Students, Inc. Ad Hoc representatives shall be invited on and “as needed” basis and include: Administration & Finance; Mediated Instructions and Distance Learning; The Student disAbility Resource Center; And Information Technology.

2.1.2 Charge AAFSC is charged with making recommendations to the Provost and College Deans for overall academic space planning. This includes: The allocation of academic space, Development of strategic objectives, Space management, Identifying and prioritizing minor capital outlay projects, Ensuring that space policies and process are enforced, Aligning the Division’s inventory of space with the campus Facilities Database, And strengthening relations between Academic Affairs and Administration & Finance via Facilities Planning & Construction Management (FPCM). The Principles provided here articulate guiding principles for space decisions, including the allocation and management of academic space, and is based on frameworks developed at five (5) sister CSU campuses: Fresno, Fullerton, Sacramento, San José, and San Marcos. These principles, guidelines, and criteria are intended to deal with the planning, allocation, and management of space within the Academic Affairs Division and its constituent units.

    3.0 General Principles

    3.1 Academic space if a fundamental and critical university resource, which requires effective stewardship to address the core mission and goals of the institution.

    3.2 Space is owned by the CSU-system Board of Trustees as leased by California State University, Dominguez Hills ho has delegated the authority of its management to the President of the University and his or her designees. The Institution’s Colleges/Schools, Departments, Programs, and other Academic Affairs units are expected to be effective users of the spaces that are currently assigned to them and are subject to change, according to strategic and programmatic goals and institutional needs.

    3.3 All academic space is allocated and can be reassigned consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreements with relevant unions, based on changes in demand, special functional designs, program growth or contraction, and changes in , instructional deliveries, support functions, faculty recruitments, grant activities, and specialized uses which are supportive of the learning, teaching, and research mission of the engaged University and other factors that may impact space requirements and utilization.

    3.4 Detailed implementation of those allocations within the Division of Academic Affairs will normally follow college-level hierarchies. College Deans (or their designees) play a central role in decision-making about allocations and usage within their respective College/School and may exercise flexibility addressing the changing space needs within their units. With the exception of changes in primary function of the space, renovations that change the assignable square feet of a room muse be reviewed and recommended by AAFSC, the Provost and approved by FPCM.

    3.5 The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost), upon recommendation and/or consultation with AAFSC, may routinely assign and reassign academic space. Controversial or conflicting requests across Colleges will be adjudicated by the Provost (or designee) in consultation with the College Deans.

    3.6 Consultation with the Academic Affairs Facilities and Space Committee must occur when campus planning initiatives are planned and presented by other divisions on campus that will affect or alter the design, use, or allocation of space used by an academic unit.

    3.7 The University shall utilize academic space standards established by the California State University Chancellor’s Office as a framework for utilization and allocations but those will be supplemented by University standards and guidelines reflective of the distinctive needs and campus.

    4.0 Classroom Space

    4.1 As a critical resource, classroom space (broadly defined as any instructional space that may be used for direct instruction or for scheduled laboratory, field, and activity or studio space experiences) must receive sustained investment in its quality and functionality.

    4.2 As specified in the “Class Schedule Production Timeline,” non-exclusive classrooms will revert to centralized space and will be available for scheduling by all Colleges.

    4.3 Specific classrooms may move into, or out of, the “General-Use” category as changes arise in university-wide needs, priorities, and other factors based on discussion as determined by the AAFSC.

    4.4 The University shall strive to provide a mix in the quantity and types of instructional rooms which is appropriate to the learning and teaching activities of the campus.

    4.5 AAFSC shall conduct periodic analytical assessments of the utilization of classrooms and programmatic plans. Information from those assessments and systematic planning shall be used to determine need and make future allocations and reallocations. Such assessments and linked decisions about allocations and reassignments of classrooms will be conducted at least once every four (4) years.

    4.6 The care of all classrooms and related instructional space is shared responsibility, involving Facilities Services, Information Technology, Colleges, Departments, Programs, Units, and other users, including faculty and students.

    4.7 Support for the instructional technologies in “General-Use” classrooms shall be provided and funded centrally by the University.

    5.0 Specialty Instructional Space

    5.1 Specialized instructional spaces, such as laboratories or studios containing distinctive equipment, will be regarded as “college-managed” space. The utilization of those areas should conform to “effective-use” principles that are appropriate to the program, types of instruction, and potential for shared-use.

    5.2 Allocations of the quantity and diversity of specialized instructional space shall be appropriate to a program’s size and distinctive character.

    5.3 Whenever possible, the University will provide an annual allocation of funds to each college as appropriate to be used for equipment, furnishing, and room upgrades in specialized instruction spaces. AAFSC will recommend to the Provost the distribution of these funds. Colleges should coordinate furniture/equipment and room upgrade with the FPCM to ensure ADA access, building codes, and conformance with overall University standards are considered.

    5.4 To the greatest extent possible, specialized instructional space should be co-located with the instructional rooms used by a department or program.

    5.5 Agricultural fields and facilities, sports/recreational field spaces and other outdoor use areas including sports/recreational facilities are considered essential to the academic program on our campus. When appropriate, these areas/facilities may be shared among academic and non-academic users. Consultation with AAFSC and relevant parties on the allocation, design, and use of these areas/facilities is required when any change is proposed or planned by any unit on campus.

    6.0 Faculty Offices, Research Space, and Administrative Support Space

    6.1 The University recognizes the importance of space for faculty to prepare for teaching, conduct research, and meet individually with students, to those ends,all full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty shall be provided with office and research consistent with university standards, unless a faculty member requests otherwise.

    6.2 All full-time faculty, Department Chairs, and Program Coordinators shall be limited to no more than one office. Secondary office areas may be assigned if there is a specific need (e.g., externally-funded research) and are approved by the College/School Dean.

    6.3 Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty teaching solely online courses shall be provided and assigned shared office spaces, unless they are physically present on campus more than 25% of the time.

    6.4 To the extent possible, full-time faculty and the administrative support offices of a department or program shall be co-located, preferably on a single floor of one building or within a single building.

    6.5 Part-time faculty and participants in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) shall be provided and assigned shared office spaces.

    6.6 Emeritus faculty shall be provided and assigned shared office spaces, subject to availability.

    7.0 Other Academic Space

    7.1 Specialty space, such as laboratory preparation rooms, equipment storage, and locations of specialized instructionally-related equipment shall be located in close proximity to a program’s direct instructional space whenever possible.

    7.2 Conference rooms shall serve multiple academic departments or programs and shall be managed by the respective College Dean’s Offices or departments as delegated.

    7.3 Academic Affairs is committed to providing centralized advisement spaces and informal gathering spaces for students and faculty as appropriate to the mission and the activities of the college and its units. AAFSC shall make recommendations to the Provost on these issues.

    8.0 Off-Campus Space

    8.1 The University supports the use of off-campus, community space at no cost to programs/university when suitable academic space is not available on campus. All off- campus locations must be reviewed by the AAFSC and recommended for further review and approval by other applicable departments and offices, such as the Dean, the University Curriculum Committee Procurement, Financial Aid, etc., and entered into the student system, by the Academic Resources Management & Planning office for academic scheduling.

    8.2 Degree programs that are offered more than 50% off campus must receive approval from WSCUC within 30 days of the program start date, regardless of the distance from campus. After this approval process, the off-campus site will verified by the U.S. Department of Education for the purpose of financial aid eligibility. Note that the versification from USDOE may take several more months, during which time are ineligible for financial aid. Programs are encouraged to initiate the notifications early.

    8.3 Colleges may rent/lease off-campus space to meet the needs of programs or grants.

    8.4If off-campus space becomes unavailable to house academic programs, the University must work with the College to secure classrooms/labs as required.

    9.0 Space Requests

    9.1 AAFSC shall be the responsible body for implementing the space allocation and assignment policy for Academic Affairs

    9.2 FPCM in the Division of Administration & Finance has the overall campus responsibility for space management. (Per EO 65 and delegation of authority.)

    9.3 All space requests shall be presented to the AAFSC for deliberation, even for information purposes only.

    9.4 Space requests are required for all space functionality changes, renovations, remodels, reassignments of space and need for new or additional existing academic/institutional physical space.

    9.5 AAFSC will make recommendations to the Provost for approval.

    9.6 Space requests must have all required signatures and may require consultation and project planning with the division of Administration & Finance, Information Technology, Student disability Resource Center, and Academic Resources & Planning prior to recommendation and approval by AAFSC.

    9.7 All space requests associated with a grant proposal must be approved by the space approval process before any grant commitments are made.

    9.8 All Academic Affairs Space Requests shall be aligned with the Academic Master Plan and the appropriate College Academic Plan. The request shall meet one or more of the following criteria;

    9.8.1 Maximum utilization of space for instructional purposes contributing to program quality;

    9.8.2 Potential for department/program growth and demonstrated need;

    9.8.3 And/or pedagogical needs to deliver effective and high quality instruction.

    9.9 In Academic Affairs, space requests that require space functionality changes and/or a need for space outside the division, the Provost shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Administration & Finance for final approval.

    10.0 Minor Capital Outlay Projects

    10.1 The Division of Administration & Finance shall solicit campus-wide requests for minor capital outlay projects each year, as funding is available.

    10.2 AAFSC shall request each College to submit a prioritized list of recommended minor capital outlay projects for their area.

    10.3 Hazard and safety issues should be given top priority, unless special circumstances exist.

    10.4 A college representative will present each project to the committee.

    10.5 AAFSC will select and prioritize minor capital outlay projects and submit to the Provost for approval.

    10.6 Once approved, the list will be provided to Administration & Finance.

    11.0 Enhanced Technology Classrooms

    11.1 AAFSC shall strengthen and support academic programs and provide the resources faculty require to teach effectively, including teaching facilities that are technologically advanced, where possible and as funding is available.

    11.2 AAFSC shall request each college to submit a prioritized list of recommended classrooms and labs to enhance.

    11.3 A college representative will present each case to the committee.

    11.4 AAFSC shall select and prioritize a list and submit to the Provost for approval.

    11.5 Once approved, the list will be provided to Information Technology.

    12.0 Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)

    12.1 AAFSC shall strengthen and support academic programs and provide the resources faculty require to teach effectively in “Active Learning” classrooms where possible and as funding is available.

    12.2 Faculty who would like to schedule classes in “Active Learning” classrooms must receive approval and training from the ALC program coordinator.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes AA 2014-02 and AA 2006-15.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 11/15/2018

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Vice Provost

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A