College Councils Statements and Procedures
1.0 Policy Purpose
1.1 To define the charge, procedures, and membership of each Council of College Chairs. The name “College Council” is customary, however, each academic college has the option to name it differently.
2.0 Charge
2.1 College Dean, Chair and Program Coordinator Council (or equivalent at the library level) shall collaboratively produce statements regarding the processes for shared governance.
2.2 Deans will:
2.2.1 Communicate to faculty and staff at the beginning of each semester the schedule and modality of council meetings for the semester;
2.2.2 Determine, in consultation with the Council, the appropriate person to take meeting minutes;
2.2.3 Post meeting agendas and previous meeting’s approved minutes on the college web site in advance of each meeting and announce whether meetings are open to college faculty and staff;
2.2.4 Provide the council with relevant reports such as enrollment reports, growth reports, new courses and programs, hiring reports, scheduling, budget, expense and revenue statements, and reassigned time reports, and all other materials relevant to shared governance of the college/department.
2.3 In accordance with AA 2005-17 (AAPS 004-001) Department/Division Chair and School Director Duties, chairs and program coordinators will be responsible for reporting and soliciting feedback on issues before the council during regularly scheduled department/program meetings.
3.0 Membership
3.1 Minimum membership of each College Council shall include:
3.1.1 Dean
3.1.2 Associate Dean
3.1.3 Department Chairs
3.1.4 Program Coordinators
4.0 College Council Statement
4.1 College Council statements should include, at a minimum, the following:
4.1.1 Deans will consult with chairs and program coordinators in selecting agenda items by circulating a draft agenda before meetings;
4.1.2 Deans and college Academic Resource Managers will share and educate council members in college budgets, including stateside and other sources of college funding;
4.1.3 Deans will collaborate with council membership to set college policies and budget priorities and for the use of discretionary funds (e.g. support for research and conference travel, research and publishing expenses, college co-curricular events, research/teaching assistants, etc.);
4.1.4 Deans will collaborate with the council membership to set annual tenure- track hiring guidelines and priorities, and establish policies for transparent decision-making regarding faculty hiring requests.
4.2 In seeking to be responsive to individual college structures, the statement recommendations are not intended to be exhaustive.
4.3 To strengthen the transparency of the work of college/library councils, information guiding the work of these councils and the results of the work needs to accessible to and discussed with college faculty and staff.