AA 2020-07

Policy Code: AA 2020-07

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2006-21, PM 96-05

Resolution: FPC 19-16

Area: Graduate Studies and Research

Origination: 11/20/2020

Effective: 11/20/2020

Last Revised: 11/20/2020

Next Review: 11/20/2025

Graduate Council

1.0       Functions and Responsibilities

1.1 The Graduate Council of CSU Dominguez Hills serves as a standing committee to the Academic Senate and in an advisory capacity to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Policy considerations and recommendations will be forwarded to both.

1.2 In addition to providing a network within the campus community for faculty, staff, students and administrators with responsibility for graduate programs, the Council will play an advocacy role for CSU Dominguez Hills graduate programs both on and off the campus.

1.3 The Council considers and makes general recommendations regarding

1.3.1 University-wide policies regarding requirements and standards for graduate curricula and degrees.

1.3.2 University-wide policies for the admission, retention and graduation of graduate students.

1.3.3 University-wide academic policies and standards for graduate assistantships, scholarships and fellowships.

1.3.4 Policies and procedures for theses, projects and comprehensive examinations.

1.3.5 Graduate academic program review.

1.3.6 Graduate Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO).

1.4 Additionally, the Council will

1.4.1 Identify areas regarding graduate programs that need study (e.g., enrollment trends, admission criteria, assessment studies), and request that these studies be initiated.

1.4.2 Offer guidance to units in the process of starting new graduate programs.

1.4.3 Offer guidance and assistance to meet outside accreditation (e.g., impact statements, general support for connecting to appropriate support office for data).

1.4.4 Consider and act upon all other matters that are relevant to graduate studies standards (e.g., pre-admissions, enrollment, retention, and graduation).

1.4.5 Formulate, review and recommend policies and criteria regarding graduate courses.

1.4.6 Formulate, review and recommend policies and criteria regarding post- baccalaureate certificate programs and post-baccalaureate credential programs.

1.4.7 Provide an impact statement for new program proposals and program modifications, including discontinuance, to describe the impact, if any, on existing graduate programs as specified by the most current University Curriculum process.

1.4.8 Review and evaluate all graduate course proposals based on criteria and procedures as specified by the most current University Curriculum process.

1.4.9 Provide advice and support regarding graduate education on campus to the Dean of Graduate Studies & Research.

2.0 Membership

2.1 The membership of the Graduate Council Committee shall consist of the following voting and non-voting members:

2.1.1 The voting members of the Graduate Council shall include: The graduate coordinator, chairperson, or their designee for each approved graduate degree published in the campus Academic Plan. Graduate programs may send additional non- voting representatives One graduate student selected by the Associated Students, Inc.

2.1.2 Ex officio (non-voting) members shall include: Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Coordinator of Graduate Studies Dean of University Library or designee Chair of the Educational Policy Committee Director of Admissions and Records or designee Chair of the University Writing Committee College Deans or their designees

2.2 An executive Graduate Council committee will be formed at the beginning of each academic year which consists of one faculty representative from each college or constituency. The executive committee will work with the Grad Council Chair, the Graduate Studies Coordinator, and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research to function as a steering committee for the Graduate Council.

3.0 Elections and Meetings

3.1 The Graduate Council elects its chair and vice chair (every two years) from among the current faculty members on the Graduate Council at the last meeting of the academic year. The term of office for the Chair and Vice Chair shall be two years. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve concurrent terms. Election shall be by a simple majority vote of the members of the Council. The Vice Chair serves in the chair’s absence. The Graduate Council Executive Committee shall be elected by simple majority vote of the members of the Council.

3.2 Additional duties of the Graduate Council Chair or their designee include memberships as a voting member on the following committees:

3.2.1 University Curriculum Committee;

3.2.2 Program Review Committee; and

3.2.3 University Writing Committee.

3.3 The Graduate Council shall meet at least five times each academic year. Additional meetings may be called at the request of the Chair or of a majority of voting members who petition the Chair.

3.4 The Graduate Chair and Council Executive Committee shall meet one week prior to regularly scheduled Graduate Council meetings.

4.0 Related information

4.1 CSUDH AA Policy 2006-21

4.2 CSUDH Presidential Memorandum 96-05

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes AA 2006-21, PM 96-05

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 11/20/2020

Area Manager/Owner:

Approved: Graduate Studies and Research

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A