Non-Tenure Track Faculty Advisory Board
1.0 Mission
1.1 The Non-Tenure Track Faculty Advisory Board (NTTFAB) will work towards ensuring inclusiveness and equity so that all non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) experience equitable conditions for teaching, faculty hiring, development, evaluation, and inclusive practices in shared governance across colleges, departments, programs, and divisions.
2.0 Charge
2.1 The NTTFAB will support the work of the NTTF Implementation Committee in its efforts to enact the recommendations of the Task Force to Recommend Best Practices for Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty.
2.2 The NTTFAB will make relevant recommendations to the Academic Senate Executive Committee, the Faculty Policy Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, and the Academic Technology Committee.
3.0 Advisory Board Membership
3.1 The NTTFAB Advisory Board shall be comprised as follows:
3.1.1 Chair will be the Non-Tenure Track Faculty Senate Executive Committee representative;
3.1.2 The faculty co-chair from the NTTF Implementation Committee may join the board as a non-voting, ex-officio member;
3.1.3 One non-tenure track faculty representative from each college elected by the non- tenure track faculty in the college;
3.1.4 One non-tenure track faculty representative from coaching elected by the non-tenure track coaching faculty;
3.1.5 One non-tenure track faculty representative from counseling elected by the non- tenure track counselor faculty;
3.1.6 One non-tenure track faculty representative from the library elected by the non-tenure track librarian faculty;
3.1.7 One tenure-track faculty representative elected by the Academic Senate with previous experience as a non-tenure track faculty member;
3.1.8 One staff member who works with non-tenure track faculty elected by all staff;
3.1.9 One California Faculty Association (CFA) Steering Committee member appointed by the CFA chapter.
3.1.10 All NTTF Senators currently serving in the Academic Senate as voting, ex-officio members.
3.2 Each board member shall serve a two-year term. Terms may be staggered.
3.3 Non-tenure track faculty shall receive support (e.g. professional development funds, stipends, etc. – at the selection of the faculty member and as permitted by University policy) for their participation on the NTTFAB.
4.0 Election and Voting Procedures
4.1 Calls for Service will come from the Senate Parliamentarian;
4.2 The non-tenure-track faculty in all colleges, coaching, counseling, and the library shall nominate representatives, and all non-tenure-track faculty shall vote on the NTTF nominees;
4.3 Faculty shall nominate themselves or others for the tenured/tenure-track faculty representative, and the non-tenure-track faculty shall elect the tenured/tenure-track representative;
4.4 All staff shall nominate and elect their representative;
5.0 Meetings
5.1 The NTTFAB shall meet at least two times per semester.
5.2 Meetings shall be announced two weeks in advance.
5.3 Meetings shall be open to all faculty.
5.4 The NTTFAB shall meet at least once per semester with the Provost and university President to share concerns and updates from the board.
6.0 Communications
6.1 The NTTFAB shall communicate the time, place, activities, and recommendation of the board through the non-tenure-track faculty listserv.
6.2 The NTTFAB shall use the listserv to solicit the needs of the non-tenure track faculty across the colleges to better represent their experiences at CSUDH.
6.3 The NTTFAB shall be kept abreast of current best practices by Faculty Affairs & Development for supporting the professional development of non-tenure- track faculty members.