General Education Learning Outcomes Committee (GELOC)
2.0 Policy Purpose
1.1 The General Education Learning Outcomes Committee (GELOC) will be a permanent standing committee of the Academic Senate of California State University, Dominguez Hills (ASCSUDH).
2.0 Functions & Responsibilities
2.1 The GELOC will coordinate and implement the program assessment plan of the General Education Learning Outcomes. The faculty coordinator of GE, whose charge will be to coordinate and implement the program assessment plan outlined below, will serve as an ex-officio member of the GE committee, and will work with faculty to continue to explore and implement additional ways of creating more coherence and relevance within our G.E. Program.
3.0 General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs)
3.1 There are eight GELOs that can be mapped across GE Areas A-F:
3.1.1 Metacognition: Critically reflect on past experiences to explore and direct their own learning;
3.1.2 Critical Inquiry: Learn to use critical inquiry skills and then apply these fundamental tools to a variety of qualitative or quantitative reasoning contexts;
3.1.3 Communication: Effectively use oral, written, creative, and digital modes of communication relevant to audience, purpose and context;
3.1.4 Information Literacy: Locate, evaluate, and incorporate information applicable to a particular field or inquiry;
3.1.5 Race, Equity and Social Justice: Examine societal, cultural, and historical contexts of race, class, gender, and sexualities in order to understand the differential and intersectional impacts of racism, oppression, and social inequality on individuals and groups in the United States;
3.1.6 Integrative Learning and Problem Solving: Address complex ideas and questions by drawing from and synthesizing a range of relevant disciplinary ideas, principles, and methods;
3.1.7 Global Perspectives: Critically analyze and engage with complex interdependent global systems and legacies and understand their implications for people’s lives; and,
3.1.8 Community Engagement: Think critically about their roles and responsibilities as stakeholders in communities at the campus, local, national, and global levels in order to engage in mutual exchange of knowledge.
3.2 Former Area G: Cultural Pluralism is eliminated, but its goals are reflected in two of the new GELOs and its guiding principles:
3.2.1 Race, Equity, and Social Justice, and;
3.2.2 Global Perspectives (It is recognized that the Ethnic Studies committee will also be engaging in reviewing the learning outcomes of designated Ethnic Studies courses).
4.0 GELOC Charge:
4.1 Adopt GELOs and update the curriculum map for the first round of assessment for each GELO;
4.2 Implement a faculty learning community (FLC) model of assessment as the GE assessment plan, where each GELO will be assessed on a two year cycle by faculty members who teach courses mapped to the GELO and are supported with a stipend to participate in a faculty learning community that is responsible for:
4.2.1 Defining the rubric to be used to assess the GELO, collecting student artifacts and assessing student artifacts using the decided-upon rubric in year 1 and,
4.2.2 Analyzing and responding to findings from assessment in previous year by revising rubric, assignments the GELO itself, the curriculum map, etc. in year 2;
4.2.3 Using this model, all GELOs will be assessed on a 6-year cycle, beginning Fall 2021: Fall 2021-Spring 2023: Race, Equity, & Social Justice and Metacognition Fall 2022-Spring 2024: Global Perspectives and Information Literacy Fall 2023-Spring 2025: Community Engagement and Integrative Learning Fall 2024-Spring 2026: Critical Thinking Fall 2025-Spring 2027: Communication
4.2.4 GELOC will review assessment outcomes, report findings to the GEC and Senate, and refine/update Learning Outcomes as necessary.
5.0 GELOC Faculty Coordinator Position Description
5.1 The position will require experience with assessment, teaching G.E., and/or membership on the General Education Committee.
5.2 The Dean of Undergraduate Studies will post the position announcement and allow all faculty to apply. A search committee will be formed with two current/former members of the General Education Committee, and a Senate representative (nominated and confirmed by Senate), and theDean of Undergraduate Studies.
5.3 The incumbent shall be compensated appropriately; such compensation shall be detailed in the call for said position.
6.0 Committee Membership
6.1 The GELOC will be chaired by the GELOC Faculty Coordinator;
6.2 The GELOC Membership shall be as follows:
6.2.1 Ex-Officio Voting Members Calls for Service will come from the Senate Parliamentarian; Faculty in each stateside college and the library shall nominate and elect a representative, Nominated committee representatives require experience with assessment, teaching G.E., and/or membership on the General Education Committee to be confirmed by the Senate Parliamentarian before elections in the colleges and the Library; Tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty are eligible to serve. Non-tenure-track faculty will receive professional development funds in compensation for their service; Ex-Officio faculty voting members shall serve for two years with staggered terms as follows: To begin faculty from the College of Arts of Humanities, College of Health, Human Services, & Nursing, and the Library shall serve for a one year term and from then on elected faculty shall serve for two year terms, The College of Business Administration and Public Policy, COE, CNBS shall serve for two years terms;
6.2.2 Ex- Officio Non-Voting Members shall be as follows and serve annually: An undergraduate student designated by Associated Students Incorporated Board of Directors, Faculty Director of Assessment (Chair of the University Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee) Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Academic Affairs support staff