Sabbatical Leaves Policy
1.0 Purpose and Eligibility
1.1 A sabbatical leave shall be for purposes that provide a benefit to the CSU and University, such as research, scholarly and creative activity, instructional improvement, or faculty retraining (Collective Bargaining Agreement [CBA], Article 27). CSU Dominguez Hills is committed to supporting and encouraging these activities among faculty unit employees and encourages their application for sabbatical leave. Sabbatical eligibility, duration, and salary guidelines are outlined in the CBA Article 27. This policy will be effective for sabbaticals awarded for the 2023‐2024 academic year to allow for those faculty who have accumulated seniority points under the prior scoring rubric to apply for sabbaticals.
2.0 Commencement and Sabbatical Leaves
2.1 Sabbatical leaves typically commence with the academic semester. The start date for a 12‐month faculty employee with instructional responsibilities (e.g., regular assignment of credit‐bearing courses) shall coincide with the start date of the academic term. Otherwise, 12‐month faculty may select a four‐ or eight‐month sabbatical period that does not necessarily coincide with the start of the academic term.
3.0 Application Process
3.1 The President, in consultation with the office of Faculty Affairs and Development, shall establish the annual sabbatical application and response deadlines for each equivalent level of review:
3.1.1 Submission by the applicant
3.1.2 Review of impact on program and curriculum by the Chair or equivalent of the Department/Unit (unless the applicant is the Chair)
3.1.3 Review of impact on program and curriculum by the Dean
3.1.4 Review by the Faculty Leaves and Honors Committee
3.1.5 Review by the AVP Faculty Affairs and Development
3.1.6 Review by the Provost, and
3.1.7 Final decision by the President
3.2 Faculty Affairs and Development, annually at the beginning of each academic year, will:
3.2.1 Notify eligible faculty each year of the date to submit applications for a leave with pay and
3.2.2 Publish a list on the Faculty Affairs and Development website of eligible faculty. This list should include total number of eligible faculty and estimate of total number necessary to comply with CBA and response timelines.
3.3 The sabbatical application is submitted by the applicant to Faculty Affairs and Development. Subsequently, the application is forwarded to the appropriate individuals for their recommendations regarding department and program impacts, in the following order:
3.3.1 The chair will indicate on the sabbatical leave proposal form whether the proposed leave would have a negative impact on the curriculum and the operation of the department, and explain such impact(s), if any. In cases where there is not a department chair, the appropriate administrator (in most cases, this is the College Dean) will assess impact.
3.3.2 Once the Department Chair impact is received, the College Dean may also comment on the potential effect of the proposed sabbatical on the curriculum and operation of the department.
3.3.3 The FLHC will review and evaluate sabbatical proposals and provide written recommendations to subsequent levels of review. The recommendations from FLHC are sent to the office of Faculty Affairs and Development.
3.3.4 The AVP of Faculty Affairs and Development shall provide a written recommendation regarding approval of the sabbatical applications to the Provost and President. This recommendation shall be based on consideration of the FLHC recommendation, the Department Chair’s and Dean’s assessment of impacts, other campus program needs, and campus budget implications.
3.3.5 The Provost shall recommend in writing whether to approve or deny the application and include the reason for the recommendation. The Provost will submit their recommendation to the President.
3.3.6 The President will make the final determination regarding the approval or denial of each sabbatical leave, taking into consideration the recommendation of the FLHC, the impact statements from the Department Chair and/or College Dean, the recommendation of the AVP of Faculty Affairs and Development, and the Provost. The President will provide a written response with the decision to the applicant and include any conditions of such a leave.
3.3.7 Sabbatical award announcements will be made annually by the Provost.
4.0 Application Material to be Submitted
4.1 Sabbatical Leave Application Form
4.2 Title and abstract (75 words or less) of sabbatical proposal.
4.3 Sabbatical Proposal Narrative (i.e. the proposal) shall include the following (5 pages maximum).
4.3.1 Statement of Purpose: a statement of purpose of the sabbatical which includes the project’s benefit to the University.
4.3.2 Sabbatical Plan: a detailed description of the proposed project (e.g., research, scholarly or creative activity, instructional improvement, or faculty retraining) and plan to carry out the project, including, if appropriate a description of any preparatory work scheduled before the leave or of pertinent completed work. Includes a description of University and/or CSU resources needed, if any, to carry out the proposed project (e.g., time, access to archives, conference/meeting travel, support for creative activities, professional development training/workshops, etc.).
4.3.3 Readiness (Attainability): the applicant’s ability and readiness to complete the project (e.g., evidenced by past performance, preliminary research in preparation for the project, etc.).
4.3.4 Timeline: a statement of the time requested (which shall not exceed one (1) year), and a timeline showing the feasibility of the proposed project in that time.
4.3.5 CV: The applicant’s C.V. or professional resume (not to exceed 2 pages) which focuses on activities relevant to the sabbatical project. (For example, if the project is to develop further one’s pedagogical skills, the C.V. shall reference recent teaching or professional activities related to the proposed project.)
5.0 Evaluation Rubric used by Faculty Leaves and Honors Committee
5.1 FLHC shall review sabbatical applications and evaluate the quality of proposed projects. The FLHC is composed in accordance with university policy and adheres to CBA committee composition guidelines.
5.2 Each sabbatical leave proposal shall be awarded points to a total of one hundred (100), based upon the following criteria:
5.2.1 Statement of Purpose: A clear and well‐written statement of purpose of the sabbatical which includes the project’s benefit to the University. (Up to 30 points)
5.2.2 Sabbatical Plan: A clear and well detailed description of the proposed project (e.g., research, scholarly or creative activity, instructional improvement, or faculty retraining) and plan to carry out the project, including, if appropriate a description of any preparatory work scheduled before the leave or of pertinent completed work. Includes a description of University and/or CSU resources needed, if any, to carry out the proposed project (e.g., time, access to archives, conference/meeting travel, support for creative activities, professional development training/workshops, etc.). (Up to 30 points)
5.2.3 Readiness (Attainability): A clear and well‐written statement of the applicant’s ability and readiness to complete the project (e.g., evidenced by past performance, preliminary research in preparation for the project, etc.). (Up to 25 points)
5.2.4 Timeline: A clear and well written statement of the time requested (which shall not exceed one (1) year), and a timeline showing the feasibility of the proposed project in that time and dissemination of project (e.g., article published, book chapter release, or exhibit). (Up to 15 points)
5.3 Time since last sabbatical (up to 20 points) ‐ After sabbaticals are scored based on merit, longevity points are included in the recommendation
5.3.1 No sabbatical leave taken in past 6‐8 years (10 points)
5.3.2 No sabbatical leave taken in past 9‐11 years (15 points)
5.3.3 No sabbatical leave taken in past 12 or more years (20 points)
5.4 Proposals are scored by the Faculty Leaves and Honors Committee. The top‐scoring proposals based on merit and longevity are eligible for funding. The number of sabbaticals available each academic year is outlined in the CBA. Each proposal shall be evaluated based on standards relevant to its character.
5.4.1 The committee should assess the project’s benefit to the university. Paid leave projects shall demonstrate clear promise of producing results beneficial to students, to the development of the profession or a discipline within the profession, to the University, and/or to the faculty member as a teacher, scholar, or professional practitioner.
5.4.2 The committee should assess the project’s appropriateness of the substance of each proposal. Appropriate sabbatical leave activities may include the following (the list does not imply ranking of relative worth among activities): A course of study leading to increased mastery of the applicant's own field, or the development of an additional area of specialization within the applicant’s field, or the development of a new field of specialization. A plan for professionally beneficial travel, which will enable the applicant further to develop knowledge, skill, or expertise in a discipline or area of specialization within a discipline. Professional development of a scope or nature not possible through normal workload assignment. Pursuit of a scholarly, research, or creative project of a scope or nature not permitted through normal workload assignment. Study or experience designed to improve teaching effectiveness. Study or experience designed to improve professional practice.
5.4.3 The proposed project should be clearly defined and articulated, conform to the requirements of the CBA, and state objectives that are realistically attainable.
5.5 Sabbatical applications which were not approved will receive written comments, total score, and ranking to aid the applicant in improving future sabbatical project plans.
6.0 Sabbatical Denied for Reasons Other than Merit
6.1 If a sabbatical leave is denied based on factors other than the merit of the proposal as identified in the application materials and evaluation of proposal, and such denial results in fewer sabbaticals being awarded than 12% of eligible faculty as defined in the CBA, upon request of the faculty unit employee, the sabbatical leave shall be deferred until the following academic year, at which point the leave, if the underlying conditions supporting the proposal remain in effect, shall be granted.
7.0 Sabbatical Final Report
7.1 By the end of the semester following completion of sabbatical, the faculty member shall submit a written report via the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development. The written report should be approximately 3‐5 pages in length (not including documentation) and include responses to the following:
7.1.1 Goals and Objectives: Briefly state the goals and objectives identified in your leave proposal.
7.1.2 Results of Leave: This section is a status report on your goals and
objectives. Which goals and objectives have been completed? For any goals and objectives still in progress, provide an estimated completion date. How do the results of your leave compare to what you intended?
7.1.3 Available Documentation: Attach documents that comprise a representative sample of what you accomplished during your leave (e.g., preprints/reprints of journal articles, copy of the title page of a book or manual, web pages, conference programs). If you prefer, you may provide a list of available documentation and retain the actual documents.
7.2 The report shall provide verification that the conditions of the leave were met, including evidence that the expected work product (e.g., development of a degree proposal, publication of research article or book, composition of musical score) was completed. This report is included in the PAF of the faculty member and copies are shared with the President, FLHC, and Faculty Affairs and Development. In addition, faculty members returning from sabbatical leave are encouraged to present the results of the sabbatical leave at Departmental, College, or University forums.