AA 2022-02

Policy Code: AA 2022-02

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2010-02

Resolution: EPC 22-05

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 09/15/2022

Effective: 09/15/2022

Last Revised: 09/15/2022

Next Review: 09/15/2027

Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Policy

1.0 Overview

1.1 The system-wide Community Engaged Learning Attributes Initiative requires a campus specific plan for designating and tracking CEL courses. The courses shall be identified in the course schedule and catalog as either Community Service Learning and Internships (CSLI) or Curricular Community Engaged Learning (CCEL). A CSLI course is defined as a course that has at least 15 hours of service benefitting the community with a reflection session. A CCEL course is a course that provides service to the community but may contain less than 15 hours or lack a reflection session. Either course must include each section of such course regardless of which faculty may teach the course.

1.2 In 2020, the Office of Undergraduate Studies established the new position of Faculty Liaison for Community Engagement to work closely with Center for Service Learning, Internships, and Civic Engagement (SLICE) to embark on this robust process of inventorying and understanding CEL on our campus.

1.3 The CEL program reports to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the Office of Academic Affairs.

1.4 The University Community Engaged Learning Committee (UCELC) shall be established and function as an integral part of the university curriculum review process.

2.0 Responsibilities of the University Community Engaged Learning Committee (UCELC)

2.1 The UCELC has the following responsibilities pertaining to CEL courses:

2.1.1 initiating and/or reviewing all policy proposals pertaining to CEL courses and submitting recommendations to the Academic Senate for review and approval;

2.1.2 implementing and overseeing policies governing CEL course requirements and standards;

2.1.3 approving CCEL and CSLI courses by agreement between program faculty and the UCELC;

2.1.4 conducting periodic direct assessment of approved CEL courses to ensure CEL best practices are being used;

2.1.5 Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) will be formed periodically to assist faculty interested in designating their courses as CEL. The Faculty Liaison for Community Engagement is available to consult with faculty and assist them in developing their CEL designation proposals outside of the formal FLCs as well.

3.0 Implementing Changes and Periodic Review

3.1 The UCELC will submit an annual report to the Chancellor’s Office to update the CSU Center for Community Engagement on CEL courses and activities taking place on our campus.

3.2 CSUDH shall respond to the Chancellor’s Office as requested. The UCELC will submit assessment materials regarding CEL to the University Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (USLOAC) on an annual basis.

4.0 University Community Engaged Learning Committee (UCELC) Service and Composition

4.1 Committee Charge

4.1.1 The UCELC serves as a recommending body to the Academic Senate on matters related to the designation of CCEL courses and CSLI courses.

4.1.2 The UCELC offers consultation and recommendations to faculty and other University entities on the development of CEL opportunities for students in accord with CSUDH policies for such procedures and national and system-wide standards, including assistance with course development.

4.1.3 The UCELC implements and oversees policies governing system- and University-wide documentation of CEL activities at CSUDH and reports this to the Academic Senate and the Chancellor’s office as part of the system-wide Community Engaged Learning Attribute Initiative.

4.2 Chair Designation & Committee Membership

4.2.1 The UCELC’s approved charge indicates that the Director of the Center for Service Learning, Internships, and Civic Engagement (SLICE) and the Faculty Liaison for Community Engagement shall serve as co-Chairs and engage in on-going consultation with all stakeholders regarding the CEL designation process.

4.2.2 UCELC membership shall be as follows: Voting Members One faculty member from each of the following Colleges and Units elected by the faculty of those Colleges: College of Arts and Humanities College of Business Administration and Public Policy College of Education College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences University Library One member of Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) with undergraduate standing elected by ASI Leadership. One member of ASI with graduate standing elected by ASI Leadership. Ex-Officio (non-voting) The Dean of Undergraduate Studies. AVP of Academic Advising and Career Development or designee. Assistant Vice President of Local Government & External Relations or designee. EPC chair or designee.

4.3 Committee Service Terms

4.3.1 Service on the UCELC of the elected members shall be in staggered two-year terms with the terms of newly added members to be determined by lot at the first UCELC meeting of each academic year.

4.3.2 The term of one year to set up staggered terms, will begin with faculty from the College of Arts and Humanities, College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing, and the University Library. After the initial one-year term, newly elected faculty from these colleges and the University Library shall serve for two-year terms until the next election cycle.

4.3.3 The College of Business Administration and Public Policy, College of Education, and College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences shall serve two-year terms before the next election cycle.

4.3.4 If agreed to by all represented parties, a UCELC member may fulfill multiple roles. For example, a member may represent both their college and a committee or center.

4.4 Frequency of Meetings

4.4.1 UCELC shall meet once every month during the academic year on the second Thursday. The meeting shall be scheduled from noon – 2:00 pm.

4.4.2 The first meeting of the fall term will commence in September and the first meeting for the spring term will commence in February.

4.5  UCELC Chair

4.5.1 The co-Chairs of the UCELC report on the UCELC’s activities to the Academic Senate during its regularly scheduled meetings at the request of the Chair of the Academic Senate.

5.0 Certification by Course

5.1 All CEL designated courses must include course-related: community service, civic involvement, or community-based research; with reflection activities to enhance students’ understanding of course content, self-awareness, and civic engagement; with the civic engagement component being a necessary part of successful completion of the course.

5.2 Faculty will submit a proposal that outlines the connections between the course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and the Program Learning Outcomes for Community Engaged Learning. These proposals will be reviewed each semester by the UCELC.

5.3 Specific Criteria for Designation as a CSLI or CCEL Course

5.3.1 A CEL course shall meet all the following criteria: The CEL activity should be academically relevant to the course being taught. CEL is a permanent part of the course, regardless of the faculty who teach it. Critical reflection should be fully integrated in course content and the community engagement project or activity. Goals for civic learning and relevant social issues are explicitly stated (e.g., in syllabus, discussion, or materials), complement course content, and assist student understanding of underlying social issues. Student learning assessment includes CEL outcomes of the course. In addition to these criteria, a CSLI designated course shall include 15 hours of course-related community service, civic involvement, or community-based research. In addition to these criteria, a CCEL designated course shall include 3-14 hours of course-related community service, civic involvement, or community-based research.

5.4 A variation in the criteria may be granted for a particular program if the program faculty and the UCELC agree that a criterion is not appropriate to the discipline and a variation in the criteria would serve the academic interests of the university. The UCELC shall keep a public record of all variations and the reasons for them.

5.5 Courses meeting the requirements of this policy shall be designated in both the schedule of classes and on the students' transcripts.

5.6 The decisions of the UCELC are normally final, but under extraordinary circumstances they may be referred by the Academic Senate to the Executive Committee for adjudication.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes AA 2010-02.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs

Date: 09/15/2022

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A