AA 2023-02

Policy Code: AA 2023-02

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2017-02

Resolution: EPC 23-02

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 05/06/2023

Effective: 05/06/2023

Last Revised: 05/06/2023

Next Review: 05/06/2028

Program Review Panel (PRP)

1.0 Purpose

1.1 Program review promotes the objective of developing academic programs of the highest quality and to facilitate continued improvement.

1.2 All program reviews are coordinated by the Program Review Panel (PRP).

1.3 PRP will have seventeen (17) members, including the chair.

2.0 Charge

2.1 PRP coordinates all program reviews and reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

2.2 PRP and has the following responsibilities:

2.2.1 Oversight of the rotating six-year (6) academic program review cycle described in the Academic Program Review Guide.

2.2.2 Periodic revision of the Program Review Guide. All such revisions are subject to Academic Senate approval.

2.2.3 Compilation of program findings and recommendations based on departmental self-studies, the reports of external reviewers, commentaries provided by instructional deans, and other information provided by the Office of University Effectiveness, Planning and Analytics to facilitate collaborative discussions of opportunities for program improvement among stakeholders (faculty, students, deans, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs).

2.2.4 Implementation of the guidelines of the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) calling for use of student outcomes assessment in evaluating program and institutional quality.

2.2.5 Off-cycle review of academic programs when recommended by program faculty, a dean, the Academic Senate, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or the President.

3.0 Panel Membership

3.1 The panel shall be comprised of eleven (11) voting members and four (4) non-voting members

3.2 Voting members

3.2.1 One elected faculty representative from each stateside College (six voting members):

      • College of Arts and Humanities
      • College of Business Administration and Public Policy
      • College of Education
      • College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing
      • College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
      • University Library

3.3 Two additional faculty members, from any stateside college, elected by the Academic Senate.

3.3.1 Faculty representatives shall be elected in the spring semester so that the panel may begin its work at the beginning of each fall semester.

3.4 One (1) college dean, appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

3.5 One (1) faculty representative of the University Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (USLOAC), elected by USLOAC members.

3.6 One (1) student representative approved by Associated Students Inc. (ASI).

4.0 Ex-Officio (Non-Voting Members) Members

4.1 Academic Affairs Integrated Assessment and Accreditation Specialist (as the Provost’s designee)

4.2 Dean of Graduate Studies and Research

4.3 Dean of Undergraduate Studies

4.4 Staff support provided by the Office of the Provost

5.0 Non-members invited as informational/optional meeting attendees, with access to shared files, the committee’s organization folders in the campus Learning Management System, etc. These invited non-members may be asked to join meetings for specific agenda items.

5.1 Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

5.2 Associate Vice President, University Effectiveness, Planning and Analytics

5.3 University Curriculum Chair, or designee

5.4 One (1) faculty representative of the General Education Committee, elected by the GE Committee

5.5 One (1) faculty representative from the Graduate Council, elected by the Graduate Council

6.0 To maintain continuity in decision making, all terms of service will be staggered, and members will serve for a period of three (3) academic years.

7.0 Committee Chair

7.1 The panel will elect its own chair annually, from among members who have served at least one year.

7.2 Incoming chairs will be elected in the academic year prior to the beginning of their term as chairs. New chairs will be elected in fall to provide for a full semester of service as chair-elect.

7.3 The committee chair will prepare a written summary of the panel’s activities at the conclusion of the academic year for both the Academic Senate and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

8.0 Meetings

8.1 The committee will meet the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Monday of each month during the academic year from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM

8.2 The first (1st) meeting of the fall term will commence in September.

8.3 The first (1st) meeting of the spring term will commence in February.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes AA 2017-02.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs

Date: 03/06/2023

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A