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The Academic Affairs Budget Council advises the Provost on annual allocations of public fiscal resources, consistent with the Budgeting Principles. A group of appointed administrators and elected faculty and staff representatives. Unlike the University Budget Committee, which advises the President on institution-level allocations to the divisions, this Budget Council works only within the Division of Academic Affairs.
Academic Affairs Policy: AA 2023-04
The Council includes a total of seven voting members from the faculty and staff. Six are faculty, one from each of the five stateside instructional colleges plus one faculty member from the library. Among these six faculty members, at least one teaches in a predominantly graduate-level program. The Council also includes a voting member from Academic Affairs staff. These seven members are elected by the Academic Senate for two-year staggered terms, three voting faculty/staff members to begin in even-numbered years and four in odd-numbered years.
Name | Affiliation | Department/College/Unit |
Dr. Rama Malladi | Faculty | Finance and Quantitative Systems - CBAPP |
Dr. Bin Tang (Co-Chair) | Faculty | Computer Science - CNBS |
Dr. Laura Talamante | Faculty | History- CA&H |
Dr. Luz Herrera | Faculty | Department of Teacher Education - COE |
Patricia Suarez | Staff | CHHSN |
Vacant | Faculty | CHHSN |
Vacant | Admin (ARM) | CNBS |
Malika Horne | Staff (Scheduler) | CBAPP |
Samantha Warriner | Faculty (Librarian) | LIB |