Frequently Asked Questions

What is curriculum review process?

The Curriculum Review Process is the procedure by which curriculum proposals are reviewed in contexts beyond the individual program.  The process involves the coordination of CSU system-wide goals and the CSUDH Strategic Plan with existing and proposed programs within the university.  The Curriculum Review Process plays a key role in upholding and disseminating the core values fundamental to our success:  accountability, collaboration, continuous learning, rigorous standards, proactive partnerships, respect, and responsiveness. For more information check out the Curriculum Review Website: https://www.csudh.edu/academic-programs/curriculum-review/

Where can I find the workflows for curriculum review?

The Curriculum Review workflows can be found on the Academic Programs website: https://www.csudh.edu/academic-programs/curriculum-review/

What is Course Leaf?

Course Leaf is an online curriculum review management system that contains modules for course and program proposals designed to facilitate the submission, review, and approval processes for new or modified courses and programs. Both modules feed approved curriculum into the catalog module in Course Leaf called CAT.

What types of Program Proposals can be submitted through Course Leaf?
  •  New Programs that have already been added to the Academic Master Plan
  •  New Concentrations/Options/Emphases
  •  New Minors
  •  Program Modifications
  •  Requests to Reinstate a Program
  •  Program Discontinuations
What types of Course Proposals can be submitted through CourseLeaf?
  •  New Courses
  •  Course Modifications
  •  Requests to Discontinue/Inactivate a Course
What types of Course Proposals can be submitted through CourseLeaf?

This depends on many factors, as curriculum review and approval is now entirely managed as a digital process within CourseLeaf.  Proposals advance through the workflow in a linear fashion and must complete each stage of review before moving on to the next. Proposals must be received by a committee at least 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting if it is to be an agenda item for that meeting.

Where can I find the Curriculum Review Workflows?

All curriculum review workflows are available on the curriculum review website: https://www.csudh.edu/academic-programs/curriculum-review/

What kinds of Impact Statements and consultation are collected in CourseLeaf?

For Programs: 

  1. Consultation with Information/Academic Technology - Proposer/department has consulted with IT to confirm that the available academic technology, equipment, and other specialized materials are appropriate to support the program needed for implementation. 
  2. Consultation with Library
    • University Library Curriculum Committee reviews to confirm that the institutions offers adequate access to both electronic and learning sources or if not the campus is to committed to acquire additional electronic and/or learning resources.  
  3. Consultation with USLOAC
    • USLOAC review to confirm the proposal is integrated into an accurate and appropriate assessment plan and curriculum map. 
  4. Department Chair Impact Statement Questions
    • Is the required expertise available among existing faculty to teach in the program?
    • Are additional facilities required for the program?
    • Is additional equipment (computers, serve allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
    • Please list and fully explain any additional resources needed for the program.
  5. College Dean Impact Statement Questions
    • Explain the program's alignment with the University's mission.
    • Explain the program's alignment with the College's goals and objectives.
    • Are the College's current year faculty workload and support positions (i.e, clerical, technical, etc.) sufficient to staff and support the program?
    • Is the required expertise available among existing faculty?
    • Are additional facilities required for the program?
    • Is additional equipment (computers, server allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
    • List and fully explain the College's support for any additional resources needed.
  6. Graduate Council Impact Statement 
    • Graduate Council reviews new graduate programs and program modifications for impact on other graduate programs.
    • For information or to have a graduate program included on the graduate council agenda, contact Graduate council chair, Dr. Antonia Boadi (aboadi@csudh.edu).
  7. Dean Impact Statement for self-support program proposals from the College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE) Dean

 For Courses:

  1. Department Chair Impact Statement Questions
    • Is the required expertise available among existing faculty to teach in the program?
    • Are additional facilities required for the program?
    • Is additional equipment (computers, serve allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
    • Please list and fully explain any additional resources needed for the program.
  2. College Dean Impact Statement Questions
    • Explain the program's alignment with the University's mission.
    • Explain the program's alignment with the College's goals and objectives.
    • Are the College's current year faculty workload and support positions (i.e, clerical, technical, etc.) sufficient to staff and support the program?
    • Is the required expertise available among existing faculty?
    • Are additional facilities required for the program?
    • Is additional equipment (computers, server allocation, laboratory equipment, etc.) needed to support the program?
    • List and fully explain the College's support for any additional resources needed.
What is Curriculum Register?

The curriculum register is published once a month. A synopsis of all proposals is published in the curriculum register and will undergo a 10-day moratorium, after which, the proposal is submitted to the College Curriculum Committees for review and approval.

What types of Special Designation/Graduation Requirements can a course fulfill?
  1. Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR)- It is the purview of the University Writing Committee to determine whether a course can fulfill the GWAR requirement.
  2. General Education (GE-C)- It is the purview of the General Education Committee to determine whether or not a course can fulfill a General Education requirement.
  3. Online Hybrid Learning (OHLC) It is the purview of the Online Hybrid Learning Committee to determine whether or not a course can be successfully taught as
  4. University Ethnic Studies (UESC)- It is the purview of the University Ethnic Studies Committee to determine whether or not a course can fulfill the Ethnic Studies General Education requirement.

 You can also find this information related to the above-mentioned committees on the Curriculum Review website: https://www.csudh.edu/academic-programs/curriculum-review/

Who can submit curriculum proposals using Course Leaf?

Typically, faculty members, department chairs, curriculum committees, and other authorized personnel within higher education institutions can submit courses through CourseLeaf Course Submission.

How do I access Course Leaf?

To access Course Leaf, please visit the Curriculum Review website and click on the links under the ‘Course Leaf Forms’ tab. To access the course, program and miscellaneous forms and to view proposals currently in the queue using your CSUDH credentials to login.

What types of course submissions can be made through CourseLeaf?

You can submit proposals for new courses, revisions to existing courses, course deletions (inactivation), new programs, program modifications, degree elevation requests, new credentials, and new certificates.

What information is required for a course submission?

The required information for a course submission includes course title, description, units, prerequisites, co-requisites, course type (e.g., lecture, lab, seminar), learning outcomes, and any other relevant details (i.e., requesting general education, GWAR, Ethnic Studies, etc.).

How does the approval process work in CourseLeaf?

Proposal submissions undergo a structured approval workflow involving review by departmental stakeholders, curriculum committees, academic deans, and other relevant parties (i.e, affected departments, special designation committees, etc.).

Can I track the progress of my course submission in CourseLeaf Course Submission?

Yes, CourseLeaf Course Submission often provides users with visibility into the status of their submissions, allowing them to track progress, view comments from reviewers, and receive notifications at each stage of the approval process.

How long does the approval process typically take?

On average, the approval process for curriculum proposals may take anywhere from 6 – 12 months. It some cases, this may take longer due to the proposals being sent to the Chancellor’s Office for review, specifically for new programs, program name changes, program discontinuations, and program degree elevations. 

Is there a deadline for course submissions each academic term?

All submitted curriculum proposals are reviewed during the academic year. Curriculum proposals that are approved and complete the curriculum review process in the fall semester are made effective and implemented the following fall semester (i.e., if approved in fall 2024, the approved changes are implemented in fall 2025.) Curriculum proposals that are approved and complete the curriculum review process in the spring semester are made effective and implemented the following spring semester (i.e., approved spring 2025, implemented spring 2026).

Can I revise a curriculum proposal after I click ‘Start Workflow’?

No. Additional changes to the submitted curriculum proposal cannot be made once workflow begins. If you would like to make an additional change, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and request the proposal be rolled back to you.

What happens if my curriculum submission is rejected/rolled back?

If a proposal is rejected/rolled back during the approval process, proposers are usually provided with feedback and next steps in the comments section of the proposal. They may be instructed to revise and resubmit the proposal based on the feedback received.

Is there training available on how to use CourseLeaf?

Academic Programs is currently working on creating training resources such as user guides, tutorials, workshops, and support documentation are available on the Curriculum Review website.

Who should I contact for technical support or assistance with CourseLeaf?

For issues with accessing Course Leaf or questions about the forms, please contact the Office of Academic Programs.   

When will you use a miscellaneous form?

A Miscellaneous form will need to be submitted in CourseLeaf when you are proposing one of the following:

  1. Submitting a Projected Degree Proposal for the Academic Master Plan using the AMP Projected Degree Proposal request.
  2. Requesting an appeal to a College/University decision using the Decision Appeal request
  3. Requesting a new subject prefix for courses using the New Subject Prefix request.
  4. Submitting an Objection to a proposed curriculum changes, projected degree proposals, or a request for a new prefix using the Objections request.
  5. Requesting to Pilot a course for a first or second time with an Online/Hybrid method of delivery using the Pilot Online/Hybrid request.
  6. Requesting to activate, modify or deactivate a reserved course using the Reserved Course request.
  7. Requesting a new special topic using the Special Topic request.
  8. Requesting a new UNV class/ topic using the UNV Class Request
When do I need to do a course modification?

A course modification should be submitted at any time the course attributes needs to be modified.

When do I need to submit a program elevation modification?

A program elevation modification will need to be submitted to Academic Programs, via CourseLeaf, if/when an email is received from Academic Programs notifying the college that their program needs an elevation.

This notification usually is sent out if Academic Programs receives a notification from the chancellor’s office notifying us that a specific department is not in compliance.

When will I see approved course changes in Peoplesoft?

Approved course changes in PeopleSoft can be viewed in CourseLeaf. In the comments section of the proposal Academic Programs team members will comment that the proposal has completed the Curriculum Review Process.

When will I see approved course changes in CourseLeaf?

Approved course changes CourseLeaf in the comments section of the proposal, Academic Programs team members will comment that the proposal has completed the Curriculum Review Process.

What are the criteria for exceptions for implementing a new program or program modification?

The criteria for exceptions to implementing a new program or program modification include:

  • New Executive Orders
  • CSU Policy Updates
  • External Accreditation Requirements
  • Grant Demands
How are the Learning Outcomes Displayed CourseLeaf?

The Learning Outcomes Display is generated by Course Leaf based on the information provided in the Curriculum Map question where you identify the level of mastery (I, D,P). That information is output with a map and check marks. 

Image of sample curriculum map in Course Leaf

For the Curriculum Map (single PLO, list of all courses that support that outcome & the proficiency level), do I need to list each of the following categories or only some of them?

Yes, list them out.

We would like additional training. Do you offer training opportunities?

The Academic Programs team have office hours throughout the year to support faculty staff with any CourseLeaf question or issue they may have. A schedule of the office hours is posted on the Curriculum Review Website.

Does Academic Programs offer office hours?

Yes! The schedule for office hours is on the Curriculum Review website and the zoom link. Any campus member is welcome to stop by to the Provost Office, Academic Programs coordinator can assist with any questions regarding CourseLeaf and the Curriculum Review Process.

What is a Reserved Course?

To streamline the recognition of courses shared among various academic programs, unique numbers have been assigned for exclusive use as listed below:


Reserved Numbers for Specific Course Type

490/590/790                Senior/Graduate Seminars

294/494/594/794         Independent Study     

495/595/795                Selected/Variable Topic courses. This number should also be used for experimental courses offered prior to curriculum review and approval.

496/596/796                Undergraduate/Graduate Internship

497/597/797                Undergraduate/Graduate Directed Reading

498/598/798                Undergraduate/Graduate Directed Research

499/599/799                Undergraduate/Graduate Capstone Activity: Thesis Project or Comprehensive Examination.

How do I request to activate, modify or deactivate a Reserved Course?

If you would like to request to modify, activate or deactivate a Reserved Course, you will need to submit a Reserved Course request found in the Miscellaneous Request form at https://nextcatalog.csudh.edu/miscadmin/


Once the Dean receives the request and approves, the request will move through workflow to the Undergraduate Dean or Graduate Studies Dean as appropriate. Once fully approved, the course will be added/updated in the Course Catalog File and listed in the next university catalog or online update.


If you plan to make the course(s) required in the program, a program modification must be submitted via Course Leaf, and subject to the full curriculum review process, including campus-wide sharing, review by the College Curriculum Committee and review by UCC.

How long does it take for a curriculum proposal to be approved after it is “received” by academic programs?

This depends on many factors, as curriculum review and approval is now entirely managed as a digital process Courseleaf. Proposals advance through the workflow in a linear fashion and must complete at least 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting if it is to be an agenda items for that meeting.