EXEC 24-22 Endorsement of Calendar Study Group

Academic Senate Resolution

EXEC 24-22

Endorsement of the Findings of the Calendar Study Group

November 13, 2024

2nd Reading

Approve: 30/ Oppose: 2/ Abstain: 2

RESOLVED: That The Academic Senate of CSUDH recognize and appreciate the work undertaken by the Task Force to Study the status of Fall Recess in the Academic Calendar, created in response to ASCSUDH resolution EXEC 23-03, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the changes proposed by that task force be implemented by the Academic Calendar Working Group and built into the next proposed Academic Calendar, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the academic calendar include three additional non-instructional days during the week containing the fourth Thursday of November, starting with the 2025-2026 academic school year (resulting in a full week on non-instruction).

RESOLVED: That this resolution be forwarded to the Provost, the President, the faculty of CSUDH, all Academic Affairs staff, and the CSU Chancellor’s Office.

RATIONALE: ASCSUDH resolution EXEC 23-03 created a task force to study the question of whether the past practice of a four-day weekend around the national holiday of Thanksgiving having would be better replaced by a full week of “Fall recess” during the same week. The task force included broad representation from campus constituents who studied practices at sibling campuses, as well as local school districts (to weigh the impact of childcare on students and faculty with school-age children) with regard to a school break occurring during the week containing the fourth Thursday of November.

The task force concluded that a full week Fall recess was feasible and warranted, and reported this to the Academic Calendar Working group, and in a formal report to ASCSUDH May 10, 2023. Therefore, this resolution calls that all future academic calendars include a one week fall recess.