Resolution EPC 24-10 Elevation to Department of School and College Counseling

EPC 24-10

*W Resolution in Support of Elevating the School and College Counseling Program to the Department of School and College Counseling

April 10, 2024

2nd Reading

Approve: 34/Oppose:0/Abstain: 0

RESOLVED: That the School and College Counseling Program be elevated to the status of the Department of School and College Counseling, and be it further,

RESOLVED: That the School and College Counseling Department and its programs, Department Chair, faculty, staff, and students be supported fully as a Department, and be it further,

RESOLVED: That the Chair of the School and College Counseling receive twelve months support by way of leadership and administrative training and professional development opportunities (both at CSUDH and at the CSU Office of the Chancellor (CO)), department chair reassigned time, chair’s salary, and appropriate department staff to be able to carry out their duties, and be it further,

RESOLVED: That the School and College Counseling Department have appropriate support staff, hiring lines, and office space to be able to function effectively, and be it further,

RESOLVED: That the ASCSUDH distribute this resolution to the: President, Provost, Vice Provost, VP Administration and Finance, AVP of Faculty Affairs and Development, HR Director, Deans, Academic Resource Managers, Faculty, Staff, and Associated Students Inc. 

RATIONALE: The elevation of School and College Counseling from its current status as a program to department status in the College of Education is warranted. This academic unit has been performing all of the functions of a department, and it is appropriate to formally elevate it to department status.