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Academic Senate Resolution
EXEC 24-09
*W Resolution in Memory of Dr. Janie MacHarg
April 10, 2024
Approval by Acclamation
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg was a dedicated psychologist who served CSUDH for over 50 years, from 1969 to 2020; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg began her career at CSUDH as a career counselor and later became the director of Career Planning and Placement; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg, as the first Director of the Student Health and Psychological Services, in 1977 led the merge of the two service areas to offer integrated medical and mental health services to students, the first among the 23 CSU campuses to do so; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg led campus efforts around threat assessment, behavioral intervention, workplace violence, and emergency operations; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg served as a trusted consultant and advisor to the campus community and had the privilege to serve under all 11 appointed presidents at CSUDH since its inception; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg integrated the fundamental mission of the university to serve students of color into each of her administrative decisions; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg was recognized with the 2012 Management Personnel Plan (MPP) Outstanding Collaboration Award; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg was a strong voice for student mental health, advocating for psychotherapy, counseling, education and campus outreach to better serve students and the wider community; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg consistently supported her staff’s needs to maintain work-life balance and fulfill family and childcare demands long before these became popularized concepts, resulting in loyalty and low staff turnover; and,
Whereas: Dr. Janie MacHarg was a dedicated and beloved wife, mother, grandmother, supervisor, mentor, and friend; and,
Whereas: Regrettably Dr. Janie MacHarg passed away on August 23, 2023 and is sorely missed; therefore, be it
Resolved: That the California State University, Dominguez Hills Academic Senate mourns the passing of the beloved Dr. Janie MacHarg, honors her contributions to our university and to the community, and extends condolences to her family, friends, faculty, staff, and students she inspired.