Resolution EXEC 24-17 Amendment to Constitution

Academic Senate Resolution

EXEC 24-17

 Resolution to Amend the Constitution and By-Laws of the General Faculty and

Academic Senate of California State University, Dominguez Hills

October 2, 2024

2nd Reading

Approve:3 /Oppose: 3/ Abstain: 3


General Faculty Vote

October 4 - October 11, 2024

Amendment Passes: Approve: 170/ Oppose: 23/ Abstain: 3 

Modification bolded and underlined. 

Be it resolved: that, pending a vote of the General Faculty, the CSUDH Constitution of the General Faculty be amended to enable: the election of a total of seven non-tenure-track faculty (NTTF) Senate representatives; one from each college and represented group (college faculty, counseling faculty, library faculty, and coaching faculty) to the Academic Senate, and be it further

Resolved: that if any of these seven NTTF Senate representative seats remain unfilled, even after two calls-for-service by the Parliamentarian, then a general call-for-service will be sent to all NTTF, regardless of their college or represented group, and be it further

Resolved: that these seven NTTF Senate representatives will also serve as at-large, voting representatives to the Non-Tenure Track Faculty Advisory Board (NTTFAB), and receive appropriate compensation for these duties, and be it further

Resolved: Modify Section IV.A. as follows:

The membership of the Academic Senate shall consist of elected members from the general and emeriti faculty and ex-officio members. The ex-officio members of the Academic Senate shall be the President of the university or his/her designee, all Vice Presidents, all Academic Associate Vice Presidents, Academic Deans, the Chairperson of the Academic Senate, the immediate past Chairperson if still a member of the General Faculty, the representatives of the university to the Academic Senate of the CSU, the President of the CSUDH chapter of the CFA, a student chosen by the Associated Students, Incorporated, two staff representatives elected by the staff, and Chairpersons of the Senate committees if so designated by the Senate. All ex-officio members shall be voting members with the exception of the Vice Presidents, Academic Associate Vice Presidents, Academic Deans, and the President of CSUDH chapter of the CFA. An ex-officio member may also serve as an elected member. The seven representatives of the non-tenure-track faculty (full or part-time lecturer faculty, library faculty, counseling faculty, and coaching faculty) shall also be voting members.)


Rationale: Our Academic Senate has made significant progress in the past decade building a more inclusive Academic Senate by expanding membership to staff and NTTF. We want to make sure that voices representing non-tenure-track faculty are as diverse as possible, and reflective of their large, on-campus population numbers. Adding additional NTTF representatives will provide better representation for each of these seven important campus stakeholders. Furthermore, granting a larger voice to our NTTF colleagues should improve the quality of our work in recognition of the important services provided by our NTTF colleagues. As the Academic Senate regularly engages with issues related to all student and faculty, it makes sense for a representative of the NTTF to participate more fully in the work of the Academic Senate. Our non-tenure track faculty represents over 65% of our faculty and of the WTUs taught at CSUDH, and their voices are critical for representing faculty issues. This will increase the voting number of elected NTTF.