Educational Policy

The Educational Policy Committee (EPC) is the primary advisory body to the Academic Senate in matters pertaining to the educational policies of the university. Changes in existing educational policies shall first be considered by this committee.

The EPC is a standing committee of the Academic Senate, and, as such, all policies and regulations recommended by the Educational Policy Committee shall be presented to the Academic Senate for approval.

The EPC shall review, evaluate, and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding all new and existing policies and statements governing graduate and undergraduate curriculum, academic programs, academic standards, and educational policy, and may initiate recommendations for change for the successful implementation of those policies. The Committee shall also be responsible for the formulation of policies on matters related to issues of educational policy, pertaining to the University’s General Education and curricular requirements as recommended by the General Education and University Curriculum Committees.

The committee shall have initial jurisdiction over matters not specifically delegated to the colleges.

Additional duties of the EPC chair, or their designee, include memberships on the Senate Executive Committee and the Academic Senate, the University Curriculum Committee, Graduate Council, University Writing Committee and Academic Technology Committee, as well as additional ad hoc duties.

The committee should consist of 12 members:

  1. Voting Members:
  • EPC chair, nominated by the Academic Senate chair and approved by the Academic Senate, and responsible for the planning and scheduling of meetings, and making appointments to subcommittees of the EPC.
  • One faculty member from all colleges and the library to serve staggered two year terms (CAH, CBAPP, CNBS, in odd spring election years) and (CHHSN, COE, CCPE, Library, in even spring election years). Faculty representatives will be elected by the Academic Senate according to the By-Laws of the General Faculty and the Academic Senate.
  • One Non-Tenure Track Faculty Representative
  • University Registrar, voting ex-officio
  1. Ex-officio non-voting members:
  • Dean Undergraduate Studies or designee,
  • Dean of Research and Graduate Studies or designee,
  • Vice Provost or their designee.

Committee Members (AY 24-25)

Voting Members

  • Jim Hill - Committee Chair
  • Oona Fontanella-Nothom (CHHSN)
  • Maggie Clark (Library)
  • Carolyn Yarnall (CNBS)
  • Xun Xu (CBAPP)
  • Kai Greene (COE)
  • Vacant (CAH)

Non Voting Members

  • Ken O'Donnell, Vice Provost
  • Kim Costino, Dean of Undergraduate Studies
  • Sheree Schrager, Dean of Graduate Studies & Research
  • John Hill, University Registrar 


EPC meets will meet at 4pm on each Tuesday preceding the regular Academic Senate meeting during the academic year, unless the committee reaches a consensus to meet at a different time. 

Reports & Presentations 

EPC End of Year Reports and other Presentations Dropbox 

    If you would like additional information, please contact Jim Hill, EPC Chair @ or Tracey McGuire, Senate Analyst @