Non-Tenure Track Faculty Advisory Board

The mission of this advisory board is to ensure inclusiveness and equity so that all non-tenure track faculty experience equitable conditions for teaching, faculty hiring, development, evaluation, and inclusive practices in shared governance across colleges, departments, programs, and divisions. The two charges of the Non-Tenure Track Advisory Board (NTTAB) are:  

  1. The NTTFAB will support the work of the NTTF Implementation Committee in its efforts to enact the recommendations of Task Face to Recommend Best Practices for Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty.  
  2. The NTTFAB will make relevant recommendations to the Academic Senate Executive Committee, the Faculty Policy Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, and the Academic Technology Committee.  

The NTTFAB Advisory Board shall be comprised as follows:

Chair will be the Non-Tenure Track Faculty Senate Executive Committee Representative

One non-tenure track faculty representative from each college elected by the non-tenure track faculty in the college; One non-tenure track faculty representative from coaching elected by the non-tenure track coaching faculty;

One non-tenure track faculty representative counseling elected by the non-tenure track counseling faculty;

One non-tenure track faculty representative from the library elected by the non-tenure track faculty librarians;

One tenure-track faculty representative elected by the Academic Senate with previous experience as a non-tenure track faculty member;

One staff member who works with non-tenure track faculty elected by all staff;

One California Faculty Association (CFA) member appointed by the CFA.

Each board member shall serve a staggered two-year term.

NTTF from CHHSN and CBAPP, Coaching, and Library, and the Staff and tenure-track representative shall begin terms in even-numbered spring election years. NTTF from COE, CNBS, CEIE, CAH, and Counseling shall begin terms in odd-numbered spring election years.

If a faculty member requires a proxy, the proxy must be an NTTF faculty member from the representative unit. If a faculty member does not appear or provide a proxy for three meetings, that        absence will be considered resignation from the NTTFAB. In this situation, the NTTFAB will reach out to the Senate Parliamentarian for a new election for that seat.         

Non-tenure track faculty shall receive support (professional development funds) for their participation on the NTTFAB.

In accordance with the MOU, non-tenure track faculty will be eligible for disbursement of professional development funds at the beginning of the semester following the faculty member's service, for each semester served.

Meetings: The NTTFAB shall meet at least every other week during the semester. Meetings shall be announced two weeks in advance. Meetings shall be open to all faculty. The NTTFAB shall meet at least once per semester with the Provost and university President to share concerns and updates from the board.

Communication: the NTTFAB will communicate the time, place, activities, and recommendation of the board through the non-tenure-track faculty listserv. The NTTFAB will use the listserv to solicit the needs of the non-tenure track faculty across the colleges to better represent their experiences at CSUDH. The NTTFAB will also be kept abreast of current best practices by Faculty Affairs and Development for supporting the professional development of non-tenure track faculty members.

Committee Members (2024-2025)

  • Paul Fornelli, Chair (CAH) 
  • Jennifer Peters (CAH)
  • Monique Turner (Counseling)
  • Sherine El Hag (CBAPP)
  • Maria Barbosa (CHHSN)
  • Erin Barrett (CNBS)
  • Steven Schuelka (CCPE)
  • Yoko Okunishi (LIB)
  • Xun Xu (Tenure track rep)
  • Claudia Mendoza (CFA)
  • COE - vacant
  • Coaching -vacant
  • Cheyenne Cummings (Staff Representative)

2024-2025 Meeting Dates:

Every other Friday, 10:20am-12pm via zoom. Contact the senate office at for dates. 

The NTTFAB will meet at once per semester with the Provost and university President to share concerns and updates from the board. The top three issues by member vote and shared with President Parham and Provost Spagna in December and January meetings were:

  • Job Security
  • Communication
  • Institutional Respect for NTTF

End of Year Reports: NTTFAB Dropbox 

NTTFAB Working Groups:

The following groups were created to address issues with the administrative and divisional support needed. 

  • It Support
  • Faculty Affairs 
  • Onboarding 
  • Research/Fundraising Workgroup

If you would like additional information, please contact Paul Fornelli, NTTFAB Chair or Tracey McGuire, Senate Analyst @