
TripIt Mobile Application

TripIt® from Concur instantly organizes all your travel plans in one place. Now you can access your plans anytime, anywhere.

Key Features:

  • Trips booked in Concur will automatically appear in TripIt.
  • For trips booked outside of Concur, simply forward your confirmation emails to plans@tripit.com and TripIt will instantly create a master itinerary for each of your trips.
  • You can opt to allow TripIt to automatically import travel plans from your Gmail, Google Apps, Outlook.com or Yahoo! mail inbox, so you don’t have to forward confirmation emails.
  • Access your travel plans on your smartphone, tablet, computer or wearable device anytime, anywhere.
  • Sync TripIt with your calendar, so your travel plans show up alongside other meetings or events.
  • Easily share specific plans, or your entire itinerary, with anyone.
  • Real-time flight alerts, seat tracking, alternate flight finder, fare refund notifications, point tracking, and more.

To add the app in Concur:

  1. Login to Concur using SSO
  2. Click Home
  3. Click App Center
  4. Find TripIt and click Connect
  5. Follow steps (detailed instructions at the link in Resources below) 
