
Current Scholars

Headshot of Sebastian2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Sebastian Estrada

Grade level: Senior
Major: Business Administration

"I would love to give a huge thank you to the alumni who contributed generously as it has helped me so much here at my time at Dominguez Hills."

Headshot of Lyza2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Lyza Jay Militello

Grade level: Senior
Major: Health Science

“I'm incredibly grateful for the privilege of being a recipient of the CSUDH Burgundy & Gold Scholarship as it means much more to me than just financial support. This scholarship represents a connection to the CSUDH community and it's a recognition of my hard work and commitment to academic and personal growth and it motivates me to continue striving for excellence in my education."

2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Anum Qureshi

Grade level: Graduate Student
Major: Sociology

“I want to thank all of the donors who made this happen. You made it easier for me to be a part of the credential program, and it is life-changing to get this scholarship. Your support is not just an investment in my education; it's an investment in countless futures you're supporting.”

2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Scott James

Grade level: Graduate student
Major: Public Administration

“I want to thank the donors. Thank you so much for this scholarship. This scholarship will help many people in similar situations as myself continue to impact the community in a positive way.”

2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Christina Vasquez

Grade level: Senior
Major: Health Science

“To the donors, I extend a very much heartfelt thank you. Your generosity has not only lightened my financial load but it has also ignited my passion for achieving my academic and career aspirations. Your support empowers students like me to reach for the stars and make a difference in the world and for that, I am truly appreciative.”

2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Amanda Young

Grade level: Senior
Major: Public Administration – Health Services

“This scholarship made balancing being a single mom and working full-time, sustainable. The scholarship has really turned things around for me and it's made me be able to put that sustainability back into my future. The fact that alumni value public policy and public administration and just being a part of an active civic service ship is really inspiring."

Valeria2023-24 Gold & Burgund Scholarship

Valeria Barrera

Grade level: Junior
Major: Business Administration 

“With the help of the scholarship, I'm able to continue my goals and strive for excellence. As a first-generation low-income student, I heavily rely on financial aid and scholarships to cover the costs of my education. Therefore, I am very grateful for the support and the generosity of all the donors.”

Headshot of Arielle2023-24 Burgundy & Gold Scholarship

Arielle Brown

Grade level: Senior
Major: Health Science

"I am so thankful for this scholarship. It has been a huge blessing to me. I have lofty dreams of higher education; without this scholarship, I wouldn't have the means to achieve them. So I thank you so much."

Headshot of Maria Christina2023-24 Jamina O. Barnes Scholarship

Maria Christina Cortez-Martin

Headshot of Sandra Khim2023-24 Jamina O. Barnes Scholarship

Sandra Khim

Grade level: Graduate student
Major: Social Work

"Receiving this scholarship allows me to come to campus earlier, pay for food, and mingle with the campus community. It's really nice to finally have a chance to connect and meet people on campus."

Headshot of Michelle Gonzales2023-24 Jamina O. Barnes Scholarship

Michelle Gonzalez 

Grade level: Graduate student

Major: Design and Linguistics 

"Thank you for this amazing scholarship. I really appreciate the support and it motivates me to continue with my education. Thanks to this scholarship, I will continue on to my Ph.D. and I am very grateful for this opportunity." 

Previous Recipients

Alumni Giving

Make a Difference! Every Gift Counts!

Scholarships are one of the best ways to show your continued support for CSU Dominguez Hills! Alumni support a number of scholarships that provide much-needed financial support to deserving students. Every dollar you donate contributes directly to enhancing the experience of current Toros.

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