
Ken Seligson
Associate Professor
College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Anthropology
Ph.D. 2016 Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. 2011 Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A.B. 2008 Anthropology and History, Brown University
Research Interests:
I am an anthropological archaeologist studying human-environment relationships in the northern Maya lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula. Specifically, my research focuses on understanding changing human-environmental relationships and resource management practices in the hilly Puuc region of the Yucatan. Over the past ten years I have had the good fortune of being able to conduct my field investigations as a member of the Bolonchen Regional Archaeological Project (BRAP) based out of the town of Oxkutzcab. One of the things that I enjoy most about my research is bringing students to the field for hands-on learning opportunities and new cultural experiences.
- ANT 100: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- ANT 102: Ancient Civilizations
- ANT 333: Ancient Peoples of Mexico
- ANT 334: Mesoamerica Past and Present
- ANT 336: Comparative Cultures - Culture, Environment, and Globalization
- ANT 456: Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
- UNV 101: Pop Culture Archaeology
Recent Publications:
- 2023 Seligson, Kenneth "The Maya and Climate Change: Human-Environmental Relationships in the Classic Period Lowlands." Oxford University Press.
- 2021 Horowitz, Rachel, Mary Clarke, and Kenneth Seligson "Querying Quarries: Stone Extraction Practices and Socioeconomic Organization in Three Sub-Regions of the Maya Lowlands." Journal of Field Archaeology DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2021.1947562
- 2021 Ringle, William M., Tomás Gallareta Negrón, Rossana May Ciau, Kenneth E. Seligson, Juan C. Fernandez-Diaz, and David Ortegón Zapata "Lidar Survey of Ancient Maya Settlement in the Puuc Region of Yucatan,Mexico." PLOS One 4/28/2021. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0249314
- 2020 Seligson, Kenneth and Manuel Chi Nah "Mul Meyaj Tía U Betá Jump’el Kaj: Working Together to Build a Community in Puuc Archaeology." Heritage 3(2), 342-363. https://www.mdpi.com/2571-9408/3/2/21
- 2019 Seligson, Kenneth “Prehispanic Maya Burnt Lime Pit-Kilns and Environmental Resource Conservation.” The Mayanist 1:1:1-20.
- 2019 Seligson, Kenneth, Soledad Ortíz Ruiz, and Luís Barba “Prehispanic Maya Burnt Lime Production: Previous Studies and Future Directions.” Ancient Mesoamerica 30:2:199−219.
- 2019 Seligson, Kenneth “Misreading the story of climate change and the Maya.” The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/misreading-the-story-of-climate-change-and-the-maya-113829
- 2018 Seligson, Kenneth and Kirby Farah “Engaging the Brown Fedora: Archaeology, Education and Popular Media.” Anthropology Now 10:2:56-68.
- 2017 Seligson, Kenneth, Tomás Gallareta Negrón, Rossana May, George J. Bey III “Using Multiple Lines of Evidence to Identify Prehispanic Lime Kilns in The Maya Area.” Latin American Antiquity 28(4):558–576.
- 2017 Seligson, Kenneth, Tomás Gallareta Negrón, Rossana May, George J. Bey III “Burnt Lime Production and the Pre-Columbian Maya Socio-Economy: A Case Study from the Northern Yucatán.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 48:281–294.
- 2017 Seligson, Kenneth, Tomás Gallareta Negrón, Rossana May, George J. Bey III “Lime Powder Production in the Puuc Maya Region (AD 600–950): An Experimental Pit Kiln.” Journal of Field Archaeology 42:2:129–141.