Department Infomation

Dr. Mary Lacanlale

Message from the Chair

The Asian-Pacific Studies Department offers an interdisciplinary major and minor in the study of Asian and Pacific Islander societies and cultures, emphasizing a transnational perspective.

The major and minor in Asian-Pacific Studies are designed for students seeking to either complement their studies of other civilizations and cultures or to pursue graduate study, Foreign Service, international business, teaching careers, or work in health science fields and community services. It is structured to provide an understanding of the social, political, and cultural aspects of Asia and the Pacific region through courses in Asian and Pacific history, politics, art, literature, language, popular culture and philosophy. It also provides an understanding of the transnational connections between the Asian Pacific region and Asian American and Pacific Islander communities as well as the history and contemporary issues of Asian American and Pacific Islander populations.

If you are interested in learning about the Asian Pacific peoples and cultures and/or Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, please contact us at

Mary T. Lacanlale, Ph.D.
Chair of Asian Pacific Studies

Asian Pacific Studies Undergraduate Programs

The major and minor in Asian Pacific Studies are designed for students seeking to complement their studies of other civilizations, cultures, and/or racial and ethnic communities in the United States. They also benefit students seeking to pursue graduate study and/or careers in the foreign service, international business, teaching, or health science and community services.

Asian Pacific Studies, Major

There are two concentrations within the Asian-Pacific Studies Major:

Asian-Pacific Studies

The Asian Pacific Studies concentration focuses on Asian and Pacific Islander peoples, societies, and nations from the perspective of their historical, cultural, and political experiences from antiquity to the present. It covers ancient civilizations, history, culture, philosophy, religion, politics, economics, and gender and family relations. It also explores the interconnections between Asian and Pacific societies and the rest of the world. Though not required, Study Abroad and Asian language classes are highly recommended.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies

The Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies concentration focuses on Asian American and Pacific Islander American history, community formation, education, gender and family relations, culture, and social and political development including intra-Asian and Pacific Islander dynamics and relationships with other ethnic communities and the larger society. An internship course with a community organization is an important component of this concentration.

Asian Pacific Studies, Minor

The Asian-Pacific Studies Program offers an interdisciplinary minor in the study of Asian and Pacific cultures.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify the geographies and cultural areas of the Asian Pacific region.
  2. Explain cultural traditions, histories and sociopolitical issues of the Asian Pacific region.
  3. Compare the histories and sociocultural traditions of at least two different Asian Pacific countries.
  4. Describe the immigration histories and contemporary issues of Asian Americans.
  5. Outline the processes of globalization and how it affects the lives of Asian Pacific populations including Asian Americans.
  6. Demonstrate analytical, critical thinking and communication skills in written and oral presentations.
  7. Exhibit computer and information literacy including the skills to use scholarly resources for research and to utilize appropriate computer programs for written and oral presentations.