
Department Commitments


The CSUDH Biology Department believes that Black lives matter. We recognize that systemic racism against Black people is woven into all aspects of American society and negatively impacts the health, welfare, and education of Black Americans. We are well aware of the corruption within our discipline by white supremacist “scientists” who provided flawed support to and advocated for systemic racism outside of and within the scientific community. No member of the CSUDH Biology Department supports these beliefs. As educators, we are committed to providing a just, equitable, and fair learning environment in an attempt to directly counteract the deleterious impact of systemic racism on the educational attainment of Black Americans. These behaviors will not only directly benefit black biology majors at CSUDH but the scientific community as a whole by the incorporation of diverse perspectives to the society at large.

The CSUDH Biology Department believes that diversity is essential. We recognize that the field of science has not historically reflected the diversity of the United States and the global community, and this has been a detriment to not only those purposely excluded, but to society as a whole. The department recognizes and celebrates the intersectional diversity of the communities that we (students, staff, and faculty alike) belong to and serve. The Biology Department believes that in order to solve complex scientific challenges, we need to reflect the diversity of the Los Angeles region and elevate the unique and impactful perspectives and experiences of this community.

The CSUDH Biology Department believes that inclusion is necessary. We recognize that groups of people have been purposely excluded from science based on their authentic identities. We are committed to fostering a departmental culture that is welcoming, inclusive, and actively anti-racist and anti-discriminatory. By creating a safe and inclusive environment and implementing practices that enable all students, staff, and faculty to succeed, we aim to dismantle the barriers that continue to exclude persons of underrepresented identities and underserved communities from the sciences. Greater inclusion will ensure the success, retention, and productivity of department community members of all backgrounds.

The CSUDH Biology Department believes that equity is vital. We recognize the deep, systemic, and historical factors that have led to disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes for numerous groups, including Black and Latinx/Chicanx individuals, first-generation individuals, women, LGBTQIA+ individuals, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with undocumented status. We believe that equitable access to a high-quality education is a right. As a department, we strive to address disparities by creating an educational environment where everyone can develop the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to reach their academic, professional, and personal goals.

The CSUDH Biology Department is committed to social justice. We each have unique contributions to make, as well as unique challenges to face. As a community, we will collaborate with one another to identify paths to success and provide the support we need to achieve them. We pledge to use inclusive language in all department communications and documents and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for the expression of biases against marginalized groups. To ensure safe learning spaces, we will encourage faculty and staff professional development addressing social justice, implement equitable teaching strategies in our course offerings and institute fair classroom policies. To support students outside of the classroom, we will provide academic advising and career counseling that are sensitive to different social identities and the various cultures represented in our students, including comprehensive mentoring support for our Black majors and becoming advocates for students of undocumented status. We will also proactively partner with appropriate divisions within the campus community to promote wellness resources. We will outline a process for accountability and will regularly evaluate and realign our actions to ensure progress towards creating the just academic environment our students, faculty and staff deserve.

Revised July 2023