Associate Professor
B.A. Smith College
Postdoc UCLA
Office SCI 230
Tel (310) 243-3382
Research Interests
ATM is a large protein kinase that recognizes DNA double-stranded breaks and initiates the appropriate pathways required to address this damage. ATM activates several protein substrates known to stimulate cell checkpoint function, DNA damage repair and apoptosis. Individuals lacking the functional ATM protein are diagnosed with ataxia-telangiectasia (more commonly known as A-T), a genetic neurodegenerative disorder that leaves patients to being hypersensitive to ionizing radiation, predisposed to cancer and immunodeficient. We are interested in describing the relationship between ATM and the early events in apoptotic pathways in cells that have acquired extensive and irreparable DNA damage. We believe that understanding the relationship between ATM-dependent pathways and apoptosis will result in a more comprehensive knowledge of cell death, and ultimately present novel methods to manipulate human cells into living or dying in various types of illnesses.
BIO 102 General Biology
BIO 122 Principles of Biology II
BIO 123 Principles of Biology II Laboratory
BIO 395 Understanding Cancer
BIO 590 Graduate Seminar