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Students interested in participating in LSAMP activities should contact Dr. Thomlinson or Gaby Gomez for eligibility requirements and other information.
Academic Year Workshops
The LSAMP program offers academic year workshops in “gatekeeper” courses. The workshops are voluntary and open to all science and math students. The LSAMP awards stipends to students who attend the workshops if they meet eligibility requirements, as stated in the contract for AMP enrollees.
Workshops generally meet 6 hours per week and are led by advanced student facilitators. Students work cooperatively in the workshops on challenging material that enhances their performance in class. Experience shows that students who regularly attend workshops score from one-half to one full grade point higher in class than their peers who do not attend the workshops.
Student Research Support
LSAMP provides funds to support students interested in doing research in one of the STEM disciplines. Funds can be used for research materials, reagents, equipment and/or stipend. Students must submit a research proposal in coordination with his/her faculty mentor, and the project should be completed by the end of the semester. Students are expected to present their work at CSUDH Student Research Day.
International Research Opportunity
Limited number of slots are available for students wishing to conduct research in tropical ecology at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. LSAMP funds covers the cost of the trip, including airfare, travel insurance, transportation and station fees (room and board).
GRE Prep Workshop
Slots are available for students to attend an intensive 7-week GRE prep workshop administered by Princeton Review.
Graduate School Admission Preparations Workshop
This is a comprehensive, two-day workshop that will cover all aspects of navigating the grad school applications process. This workshop is held jointly with the McNair Program and the NIH MBRS Program.