
Please look through the CSUDH brand site to make sure you understand the guidelines prior to using these assets to create university communications. These assets are only to be used for official university communications. Do not use them to promote private businesses or for individual purposes.

If you have any questions, contact University Communications and Public Affairs.

NOTE: Several of the files below require you to log in with a valid CSUDH password before downloading. If you have trouble connecting to the download site, please contact


Editorial Guidelines

Printed Brand Guidelines

University Logo

Color Palette




University Presentation Templates

University Stationery Templates

To order printed stationery place an order through University Printing Services

Email Signature

The simplest way to update your signature is to download the template file below, copy and paste the signature template text and logo into your outlook email signatures, then adjust the contact information that applies to you. Include the University Logo under the signature if the email is sent externally. Note that Outlook Web Access (OWA) email does not allow for images in signatures; text is sufficient in this instance. The resolution of the logo image will also degrade slightly when the Outlook email message is sent.  

CSUDH email signature sample template

The pdf instruction sheets and formatting guides below give instructions on font type, size and style, and optional additions. Should you need further instructions, there are links to tutorials on how to add a signature to either a Mac or PC.