
Editorial Style

The consistent expression of the CSUDH Brand in every form of communication helps reinforce awareness of CSU Dominguez Hills, builds affinity and support, and promotes its academic reputation.

The verbal component of the brand clarifies and distinguishes the university’s position in the hearts and minds of its constituents. The application of consistent editorial style and standards in text and messages influences the public perception of our institutional excellence and campus character.

When writing on behalf of CSUDH, it is important to remember that the communications represent the university to readers and should be consistent with communications produced by other campus departments and programs.

Written communications that represent the university should meet the highest professional and academic standards and reflect the official CSUDH Brand “voice.”

Editorial style guidelines also provide clarification for some frequently misspelled, misused, and confused words, list basic grammatical guidelines for punctuation, and note the proper forms of university-specific terms.

University Style

For grammar and style issues not covered in the CSUDH Editorial Style Guidelines [PDF], refer to the Associated Press Stylebook, which is the book that CSU and CSUDH editorial guidelines most closely follow, and is followed for news releases and content for the university news website.

Note: The guide does not apply to scholarly and academic work, which should comply with its publisher’s specified style manuals.

Grammar and Spelling

Use standard American spelling, grammar, hyphenation, and word usage. We suggest using Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary or Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Note: When formatting a document for print publication or the web, use only one space following a period; double spaces can cause layout problems in publishing software and HTML code.

Document Design and Format

If your document will include graphics, images, or logos, you must also follow the CSUDH visual brand guidelines, available on this website.
