Information Systems & Operations Management


Faculty from ISOM Department

Business Analytics, Information Systems, Information Systems Security, & Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management 

Dr. Myron Sheu, Department Chair  |    (310) 243-3034  |

The Department of Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) consists of highly academically and/or professionally qualified faculty who are committed to helping students succeed.

The ISOM Department offers several quality concentrations and minors as part of the Business Administration degree programs. 

The concentration in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is the modern version of traditional operations management programs as companies are increasingly intertwined so that they focus on their core competencies. GSCM is about getting quality products engineered, manufactured, and delivered to the right customers timely and cost-effectively.

In addition, the ISOM Department offers several STEM-designated concentrations such as Business Analytics, Information Systems, Information Systems Security, Minor in Data Analytics, Minor in Information Systems, and Minor in Information Systems Security. In particular, the concentration in Business Analytics is relatively new but highly trendy as Corporate America is sitting on too much data and needs data-driven decisions on execution and innovation in order to survive and thrive. Coursework is thoughtfully constructed to enable students to play a significant role in decision-making for both daily business operations and long-term planning.

All our concentration and minor programs are designed to help students gain a well-rounded skill set that is composed of in-demand functional, technical, and managerial skills with which they can design and implement optimal business solutions in an increasingly globalized business environment.

View the details of our quality programs in the latest University Catalog.  

B.S. in Business Administration Concentrations

  • Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management-International Logistics Track
  • Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management-Systems Track
  • Information Systems
  • Information Systems Security
  • Business Analytics

Information Systems Concentration

Information Systems is the study of complex combinations of people, hardware, software, procedures and data to support the operational and managerial needs of an organization. Because of the ever-growing complexity of the world and advances in information technology, computer information systems have become an indispensable element of modern society. This concentration is for students interested in the ways of computers and telecommunications, and how they are changing the way we live and work. Our program strikes a balance between skills and theory. We learn the ways these tools can increase productivity and study their use in business, education, entertainment, daily life, and other fields. Since computers and communication systems are constantly developing, we are also concerned with studying how the tools are changing and how they will affect individuals, organizations, and nations in the future.

Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management Concentration

Students in the Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GLSCM) concentration will learn how to manage the flow of materials from suppliers of an organization, through its facilities, and on to its customers all over the world. Professionals in this field coordinate activities to achieve an effective and efficient flow of goods and information from the time a need arises until it is satisfied and beyond. While logistics management is an important function, quality control, inventory management, purchasing, plant and warehouse location, materials handling, and customer service are also important supply chain activities.


Computing and Communication Facilities

Intelligent Classroom

Our facilities include a state-of-the-art intelligent classroom, with a computer at every student seat and total interaction of the instructor's computer with that of the students.

Specifically, capabilities such as the following are provided:

  • Sharing the screen of any student with all other students' screens
  • Collaborating or interaction by the instructor on any student screen and showing that interaction to the rest of the class
  • Having two or more students interact on the same screen and sharing that with the rest of the students
  • Viewing the screen of any student on the instructor screen
  • Sending messages to any and all students
  • Shutting down or locking any and all student screens
  • Having the instructor software in split screen mode on the student machines.

CISCO Laboratory

The CISCO Academy has a Laboratory adjacent to the intelligent classroom. This Lab contains tables for hand-on student wiring and cabling exercises. Equipment is provided to enable students to make various kinds of electronic measurements. Furthermore, the Lab is equipped with computers and routers which allow the students to configure local and wide area networks. Programming is done on the routers by the students. Also, the computers are disassembled by the students so as to allow insertion of network interface cards and to make other changes.

Network Analysis Lab

In the same physical facility that houses the CISCO Lab, we have also established a Network Analysis Lab. The computers in this Lab are used in conjunction with instruction in our network analysis courses. Students are trained in the installation of different operating systems, client/server software and communications traffic handlers. These computers are cabled into various configurations by the students and disassembled to familiarize the students with computer internals.


Advisement and Student Services

Concentration and Career Advising are provided by faculty and can be initiated by students to accommodate individual needs. Names of faculty and their areas of professional expertise are outlined on our website. Click here to view the Information Systems and Operation Management Department faculty. Students may obtain advice from faculty about tailoring their academic program toward career goals, graduate schools and programs, and career opportunities. Students are urged to consult with faculty on these matters.

CBAPP Student Success Center   |   (310) 243-3561  |  Office: II 1100 & 3400
Undergraduate student services regarding major advisement, scheduling an appointment with an advisor, registration issues, permission numbers, petitions, add/drop, and change of major/ minor, forms and signatures, etc.

CBAPP Faculty Support & Faculty Office Hours |   (310) 243-3548  |  Office: II 4524, 4525, 4526
Undergraduate student & faculty support regarding faculty office hours, contacting faculty, and classroom changes, etc.


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