James Katzenstein

Jim Katzenstein's headshot

Full-Time Lecturer

(310) 243-3450




My career has two halves. I became the first in my family to graduate college and served my country in the United States Air Force. I then joined corporate America developing a career as an engineer, a supervisor, a vice president of manufacturing, a management consultant, and finally, a CEO. I married and raised a family.

25 years ago I entered a transition period that included a return to school where I earned a PhD in organizational systems and began teaching at CSUDH. I developed a burning desire to share my experiences with young people and understood where the rest of my life would take me.

Since then I have been an academic, and a social entrepreneur. I study life in developing countries and help my students understand their place in the world through classes and study abroad trips. I use my consulting skills to help people in African countries improve their lives. I help my tenure-track faculty colleagues achieve tenure and I enhance the institutional reputation in the farthest corners of Africa through service and publishing.


Courses Taught at CSUDH

MGT 310, Management Theory

MGT 416, Leadership

MGT 490, Strategic Management Seminar



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