Jennifer Brodmann

Jennifer Brodmann's headshot

Associate Professor

(310) 243-2607



Jennifer Brodmann is an Associate Professor at California State University, Dominguez Hills teaching undergraduate courses in Business Finance and Financial Institutions Management. She received her Ph.D. in Financial Economics, M.S. in Financial Economics, and M.B.A. from the University of New Orleans (UNO). She received her B.F.A. from Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She was awarded the Dissertation Fellowship in 2017 by the UNO Graduate School, the Excellence of Teaching Award by the UNO Executive MBA Class of 2016, and the Emerging Leader Award and New Member of the Year award in 2017 by the Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance.

Her research interests are in Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Financial Institutions, Regulation, and Socially Responsible Investments. Jennifer has presented her research at several academic conferences, including the Academy of Economics and Finance, Eastern Finance Association, Southern Finance Association, Southwestern Finance Association, Academy of Financial Services, and Gulf Research Council. Her research has been published in the International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Business Accounting and Finance Perspectives, Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, and Borsa Istanbul Review. She has served as a Research Mentor to undergraduate students for the Privateer Undergraduate Research and Scholarly UNO Experience (PURSUE) program and as a Mentor for CSUDH Innovation Incubator’s 2018 Startup Weekend. Jennifer is a member of the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance and Financial Management Association. She has served as a committee member for the Southern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, Financial Management Association, and Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society, as a Board Member for the Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance, and as a Reviewer for the Academy of Financial Services and the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management.


Courses Taught at CSUDH

FIN 360, Business Finance

FIN 481, Financial Inst & Management 

FIN 200, Personal FIN for Non-Majors

FIN 485, Entrepreneurial Finance 


Curriculum Vitae

View the curriculum vitae for Professor Brodmann.



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