Shari Berkowitz

Shari Berkowitz's headshot


(310) 243-3071



Shari R. Berkowitz is a Professor of Criminal Justice Administration at California State University, Dominguez Hills. Dr. Berkowitz completed both her PhD in Criminology, Law and Society and her BA (Cum Laude) in Psychology at the University of California Irvine. Dr. Berkowitz’s program of research, at the broadest level, focuses on the intersection of criminal justice, psychology and law. Her particular research interests include: eyewitness memory, false memory, false confession, and the causes and consequences of wrongful convictions. In addition, Dr. Berkowitz serves as an expert witness and consultant in legal cases involving eyewitness memory and memory distortion. She has consulted in cases for both the prosecution/plaintiff and the defense in criminal and civil trials in state, federal, and military courts.


Courses Taught at CSUDH

UNV 101, False Memories and the Law

CJA 339, Research Methods and Communication 

CJA 444, Juvenile Justice Process 

CJA 446, Terrorism and Extremism 

CJA 448, Forensic Science

CJA 490, Capstone in Criminal Justice Administration

CJA 495, Special Topics: Forensic Science 

CJA 496, Internship 

CJA 566, Issues in Homeland Security and Terrorism 



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