
Constitution of the California State University Dominguez Hills Human Resource Management Association (CSUDH HRMA)


This constitution, ratified by a vote of the founding members on Wednesday, September 21, 2005, establishes and sets out the purpose and governing regulations of a student organization for all those interested in the area of management.

Article I: Name and Affiliations

Section 1: Name

The official name of the organization shall be the “California State University, Dominguez Hills Human Resource Management Association.” The acronym, “CSUDH HRMA,” shall be considered an appropriate substitute for the full name and will be used throughout the remainder of this document.

Section 2: Affiliations

The CSUDH HRMA shall be affiliated with the Society for Human Resource Management, hereafter referred to as SHRM, as well as the Professionals in Human Resources Association, hereafter referred to as PIHRA, and shall be established as a student chapter of both these closely related organizations.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1: Purpose

The CSUDH HRMA exists to provide CSUDH students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the effective management of people. Our mission is to provide a link between business management professionals and education, enhancing opportunities for college students and the community by sponsoring guest speakers, seminars, and special events. The CSUDH HRMA shall provide access to the services offered by SHRM and PIHRA to students interested in exploring human resources as a potential career. The group will encourage the acquisition, growth and continuation of careers in human resource management through expanded knowledge, camaraderie, respect and mutual support among members and through affiliation with national, sponsoring and other student chapters of PIHRA and SHRM.

Section 2: Accountability

The CSUDH HRMA pledges to abide by all applicable regulations of the California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Membership Requirements

Students wishing to join this organization must fill out an application and pay dues, after which they will be added to the list of voting members for the academic year, which will be kept by the Vice President or another officer designated with that responsibility. Members must also become a dues-paying student member of PIHRA the semester they start attending meetings. Student membership in SHRM will be offered as an option to anyone interested.

Section 2: Cancellation or Loss of Membership

Students may resign their membership in the organization at any time by notifying the Vice President, in writing, that they wish to do so. Due to budgeting difficulties, however, there will be no refunding of membership dues. Students who fail to pay HRMA dues or join PIHRA within a reasonable length of time (one month from the time they turn in their membership application or following the beginning of the new fall semester for returning members) will be dropped from the official membership list and will no longer be considered voting members until they do so.

Section 3: Membership Availability

Membership is open to all California State University, Dominguez Hills undergraduate and graduate students interested in the area of management, regardless of major. There shall be no discrimination in individual membership or chapter affiliations because of race, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, or national origin.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: Executive Officers Qualifications and Duties

The CSUDH HRMA shall be lead by an Executive Council that includes four officers: a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, as well as the Faculty Advisor. At the time of assuming office and throughout his or her service each Officer must be a member in good standing and must meet all University eligibility requirements. As required by CSUDH, undergraduate officers must be enrolled in 6 credit hours of courses at CSUDH and maintain a GPA of 2.5 each semester. Graduate students serving as officers must be enrolled in 3 credit hours of courses and maintain a GPA of 3.0 each semester. In order to maintain the group’s status as a SHRM chapter, all four officers must agree to become student members of SHRM and pay dues to the national organization by October 1 of each year or within one month of taking office.

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter, presiding at all meetings of Executive Officers and members and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the Executive Board. The President shall designate, appoint the members for and discharge all committees in coordination with the other Officers.

The Vice President shall act for the President during his/her absence or disability and in case of resignation or death, shall succeed to the office of President for the remaining term of office. The Vice President shall perform such duties and exercise such power as the President of Executive Board may assign.

The Secretary shall be the guardian of the records of the organization, shall prepare minutes of all chapter meetings of the Executive Council and of the members and shall perform other duties as shall be assigned by the President of Executive Board.

The Treasurer shall be charged with the financial affairs of the chapter, shall maintain clear records of all transactions and prepare financial reports when called upon to do so by the President and the Executive Board. A copy of the financial position shall be sent at the end of each semesterto the PIHRA Student Chapter Coordinator and to that organization’s principle office. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds collected in the name of the CSUDH HRMA in an approved financial institution and pay all debts.

Article V: Operations

Section 1: Executive Council Selection

The four key officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) shall be filled through a general election, which will usually be held about one month before the end of the spring semester for the following academic year. All registered, dues-paying members will be allowed to vote in the election, which must be publicized at least 10 days in advance. Voting may take place by secret ballot or by a count of hands, whichever is more appropriate given the number of candidates and members. New officers will be installed in a ceremony at that time.

In the event membership becomes dramatically low and/or the electoral process becomes ineffective, the Faculty Advisor(s) may interview the remaining members of the general membership and appoint them to positions described in this Constitution.

At the beginning of the fall semester each year, the new Executive Council will, with the help of the membership, draw up a list of additional officer positions which may be useful in promoting and building the organization. The Executive Council will ask members to express an interest in these positions and will appoint students, as appropriate, to such positions, which may include: Director of Communications, Director of Programs, Director of Membership, Director of Community Relations and Development, Director of Corporate Relations, Director of Finance, Director of Student Relations, Director of the SHRM Merit Award, and others as desired. All officers of this chapter shall be responsible for maintaining the chapter as a formal entity. As all members of the Executive Council perform specific administrative functions, all officers are to openly assist each other as needed in the efficient and professional performance of their respective duties.

Section 2: Committees and Programs

Any proposed project or program shall be brought before the Officers, reviewed, and if approved, set up and directed by a committee formed for that specific purpose from the general membership on a voluntary basis. Committees shall coordinate their efforts with those of an appropriate Officer or Executive Council member, who will serve in an advisory capacity. Management of chapter practices, procedures and activities shall be vested in the Executive Council. These decisions must meet with the approval of the chapter Faculty Advisor(s).

Section 3: Vacancies

If needed, the President shall fill a sudden vacancy on the Executive Council by appointing a temporary replacement. The matter shall then be brought to the attention of the general chapter membership. The membership will nominate and elect a member for the vacant position. In case of more than one candidate for a position, whoever captures the majority of votes is elected. The Executive Council may also appoint replacements for those serving in other officer positions if the appointed person steps down or fails to fulfill the responsibilities associated with the role. In the event that the general members become unhappy with the performance of one of the four officers on the Executive Council, the group may vote to replace the officer with someone else provided that the officer in question has been given a reasonable warning and opportunity to respond to any complaints and reasonable notice (7 days whenever possible) has been given to voting members of the new election so that all may participate.

Article VI: Finances

Section 1: Dues

All members will be required to pay annual chapter dues, currently set at $20 per academic year, to be adjusted as the membership deems appropriate.

Section 2: Additional Funding

The officers pledge to seek additional funding from PIHRA, corporate sponsors, and the University. Fundraisers may be organized and held to raise additional money for the group.

Section 3: Compliance with Financial Policies

The CSUDH HRMA pledges that it will adhere to all of the University’s financial policies for student groups.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Procedure for Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the membership. Amendments may be proposed by any qualified voting member, and must be submitted in writing to the Executive Council, who will discuss them with the general membership. Wherever feasible, the members should be given at least one week advance notice of the impending vote so that those wishing to participate in the process can. The Faculty Advisor(s) will be required to attend and supervise any/all of these meetings.

Article VIII By-Laws

Section 1: Meetings

Meetings will generally be held twice per month, at a regular day and time agreed upon by the membership. The first meeting will be a planning meeting at which officers and all interested members are welcome, and the second will generally involve a guest speaker or other event open to the campus community. Beginning Spring Semester 2006, the meeting time has been tentatively scheduled at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month. The time may be changed for special events or by a majority vote of the membership. As a general rule, members should be given not less than 7 nor more than 14 days’ notice of meetings.

Section 2: Parliamentary Procedure

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all parliamentary procedure unless otherwise specified. At all meetings of the members, the President, or if absent, the Vice President, shall preside as Chairperson. In the absence of said officers, the Chairperson shall be elected by a majority of the members present. Every regular member of the chapter in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on any matter of the chapter's business to be acted upon by vote of the membership.

Five (5) voting members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. Such quorum may, by majority vote of the members present, transact any business which may properly be brought before the meeting, except as otherwise indicated in these Bylaws. A meeting may be adjourned or recessed by majority vote of the members present whether or not a quorum is present.