Getting Started

Study Abroad ► Getting Started

Study Abroad: Getting Started

There are many options to choose from and resources available to help you get started with your opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture while learning abroad. To start the study abroad process, please follow the steps below:



Give us your Contact Information

Give us your contact information and win a PRIZE. You will also receive emails on upcoming Information meetings, updates on programs, deadlines, & more.


Attend an Information Meeting

This will help you learn more about study abroad opportunities, and help you determine which program best fits your interest. It will also help you decide which term to study abroad. Make sure to inform your family, friends, professors and mentors about your study abroad plans.


Explore the Study Abroad Website

Check out study abroad programs websites to get detailed information about the program of your choice. Carefully select subjects that suit your academic plan at CSUDH.


Contact the Study Abroad Office for an Appointment

Contact the study abroad office ( and make an appointment to meet with the Study Abroad Advisor to discuss program details, eligibility, requirements and application deadlines.


Visit your Academic Advisor

Print out course descriptions from Host University and bring to your academic advisement appointment to get Department of Course Selection approval.


Review the Program Costs

It’s important to know the breakdown of your program cost. Please print out the budget sheet for your program and visit Financial Aid Office to find out what you are eligible for.


Apply for a U.S. Passport

In order for you to travel outside United States, you need to have a U.S. passport and student visa (most countries require).

You don’t have a passport yet? PROBLEM SOLVED! CSUDH has a Passport Center (located in CCPE EE-1201); to get more information, make an appointment, and/or apply for your passport, contact or visit CSUDH Passport Hub Center site. Instructions on applying for a visa will be sent to you once you have been selected into a program.


Apply to study abroad NOW!

You are now ready to embark on an academic exploration and experience of a lifetime. Not sure about your program yet? Please contact Study Abroad Office and make an appointment for advising.

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