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The center for Service Learning, Internships, and Civic Engagement (SLICE) is currently in the process of transitioning to the center for Community Engaged Teaching and Research (CETR). There are several sites and departments on campus for students to be assisted with internships related requests. SLICE used to be one of those sites. As we transition to CETR, we will no longer be able to provide this type of assistance. These are some departments and contact information students can reach out to for help.
For students in the College of Business Administration and Public Policy (CBAP), please contact:
Tanya Cook, MSC
Internship Advisor
Or visit the website for more information
For students in the College of Arts and Humanities (CAH)
Lisa Mastramico, Internships Coordinator
Or visit the website for more information
For all other Colleges please contact
Dr. Brenda Mendez, at the
Career Development Center
or visit this website for upcoming related events
An internship is a period of time in which a student is offered work experience by an agency, company, or organization. The student, in the position of "intern," is supervised by staff who meet the academic field of study's supervision and learning goals, and support the student's professional development objectives. Each internship environment is unique, and internship experiences will vary from person to person
An academic internship may be tied to a class for credit, or it may be required for your major (with or without credit). Some essential features that set academic internships apart are a deep connection to course content, measurable goals and outcomes, and the chance for students to apply content learned in the classroom (such as exercises, training, theory, etc.). If you have any questions about academic internships, please contact your academic advisor.
Credit Internships: Students may be registered or enrolled in an internship course or an independent study course. Some of the key differences of credit internships may be:
*Credit internships are not offered by all departments, and departments have the liberty to allow students to receive credit for internships based on departmental goals and outcomes.
Non-Credit Internships: Students participating in non-credit internships do not receive academic credit for their participation, as the experience is solely for professional development and growth. Some of the key differences of non-credit internships may be:
What is not an Academic Internship?
Note: It is always a good idea to consult with your advisor/professor is you think that you are completing tasks that don't align with your internship coursework or learning outcomes.
If you need to complete an internship for your major, make sure to plan ahead! Identify your department's goals and outcomes, find where you plan to apply, and determine why the experience will enhance your academic goals. Note that some sites may have additional requirements to consider, such as orientation, onboarding, hours, and course objectives.
CSUDH maintains a database of approved Community Partners at CalState S4. To use the system simply log in with your CSUDH ID and password.
If you need assistance finding an academic internship, please contact the SLICE office and set up an appointment. We're here to help! If you need help applying for an internship, make sure you bring a resume, cover letter for the internship you're applying for, and the completed proposal from the Internship Packet.
For Best Practices in Internships, including risk management: Internships Best Practices
University Policy on Academic Internships: Academic Internships