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Welcome Welcome to clinical chemistry class. To ensure that you are all going to have an enjoyable experience taking this course, I want to reemphasize the pre-requisite for this class, organic chemistry and its lab section, biochemistry and its lab section. In addition, you should have passed quantitative analysis and its lab as well. If you took it a couple of year's ago, please refresh yourself during the winter break. You need to know how to operate the spectrometer, pipettes and centrifuge and how to use heat block and run TLC plate. The final lab quiz and practicum will test you the knowledge related to biochemistry and organic chemistry.
Time: TTh 11:30 - 12:45 PM F 8:30 - 11:15 AM
Location: NSM C221
Download CHE456 Syllabus [WORDX]
Tiily Wang Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Office: NSM B 304
Phone: (310) 243-3388