Online CSU SDS Repository for Chemicals Inventory

CSUDH uses an online service (called MSDSonline®) to provide employees and students with access to Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for products and chemicals used and stored on campus.  The SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.


To access MSDSonline®, follow the instructions below.  Please note that you must be connected to the CSUDH network to access the system.


From a campus computer, go to


To Search for a SDS:

  1. Type the product information into the single search field and click Search.  (Hint: You can search for multiple types of data at once. For example, if you are searching for

Acetone manufactured by Sigma, you can type in Acetone Sigma in the single search field to search for both product and manufacturer.)

  1. If you are not able to spell the product name, click on the first letter of the product name to search for documents that begin with that letter.
  2. To see a full display of documents by Product Name, by Location, or by Manufacturer, click on one of the tabs to the left of the search field.


Once the SDS has been located:

  1. View the SDS by selecting the PDF icon to the left of the Product Name. You can print or save the SDS after viewing the PDF.
  2. View the summary of the SDS by selecting the Summary icon next to the PDF.
  3. View any attached files associated with the SDS by selecting the paper clip icon next to the label.


If you are not able to find a specific SDS in our campus database, you will be prompted to either search MSDSonline® from the CSU repository or use the request tool to request a SDS.  For more information on SDSs, please refer to the campus Chemical Hygiene Plan and Hazard Communication Program located at


For questions on SDSs or accessing MSDSonline®, please contact EHS at x2895 or x3012