Graduation Terms and Definition

When talking about graduation, the language can get a little confusing. From the basic to the more complicated words and phrases you’ll encounter, here’s what it all means.

1. Academic Disqualification
Academic disqualification occurs when a student does not meet the minimum GPA necessary to continue their enrollment in college. Suppose a student is on Academic Notice and their GPA falls below the minimum GPA determined by their class level (freshmen, sophomore, junior, or senior). In that case, they are no longer eligible to remain enrolled. If facing academic disqualification, seeking support and guidance from an academic advisor is essential.

Class Level Minimum GPA:

Class Level

Units of coursework completed

Minimum GPA


Fewer than 30 units of coursework completed



30 through 59 units of coursework completed



60 through 89 units of coursework completed



90 or more units of coursework completed


2. Academic Notice
Academic notice is given to students experiencing academic challenges whose grades have fallen below a 2.0 GPA. It serves as a warning that the student's performance needs improvement, and they must work closely with their academic advisor and take specific steps to regain good academic standing.
3. Catalog Year or Requirement Term
Catalog year or requirement term refers to the specific academic policies, degree requirements, and curriculum that were in effect during a particular academic year or period. Students need to understand their catalog year as it determines the specific set of requirements that they must fulfill to complete their degree.
4. Commencement

Commencement is a celebratory event or ceremony the college holds to recognize and honor graduating students. Commencement differs from graduation; an official degree status is awarded when all graduation requirements are met.

5. Continuous Enrollment
Continuous enrollment means that a student has been consistently registered for courses and actively pursuing their studies without taking a break or gap in their education. It signifies that a student has maintained enrollment status without interruptions or extended periods without attending classes. University policy states that students can take up to one semester out of attendance and maintain continuous enrollment.
6. Discontinuous Enrollment
Discontinuous enrollment refers to students taking a break or gap of two or more consecutive semesters in their studies during which they are not actively enrolled in courses. It means that the student temporarily stops attending classes for various reasons, such as personal circumstances or financial constraints.
7. Graduation Application While in Discontinuous Enrollment
Graduation application while in discontinuous enrollment refers to applying for graduation and expressing the intent to complete the remaining requirements for a degree or diploma, even after taking a break or gap in studies. It signifies the student's determination to fulfill the necessary obligations and achieve their academic goals.
8. Graduation Hold
A graduation hold is a temporary restriction on a student's record that prevents them from officially graduating or receiving their degree. It usually arises when a student has outstanding obligations, such as unpaid fees, incomplete coursework, or missing documents. Resolving the hold is necessary to proceed with the graduation process.
9. Graduation Pending
Graduation pending means that a student has completed all the requirements for graduation, but their degree has yet to be officially conferred. It indicates that the student has fulfilled their obligations and is waiting for the administrative process to be completed before being formally recognized as a graduate.
10. Graduation Reactivation
Graduation reactivation is the process of resuming progress toward graduation for students who had previously applied for graduation but did not meet the requirements within the expected timeframe. It involves updating records, reviewing remaining provisions, and creating a plan to fulfill them.
11. Graduation
Graduation is the formal completion of a college program, indicating that a student has fulfilled all the requirements to earn their degree. It differs from commencement, a celebration of graduating students.
12. Matriculated
Matriculated refers to a student’s official enrollment in a college or university. It indicates that a student has completed the necessary application and admission requirements and has been accepted into an academic program. Being matriculated means that a student is officially part of the college community.
13. Returning Student
A returning student previously attended college but took a break and has now decided to continue their studies. It refers to individuals who have returned to college after some time away, whether for personal, financial, or other reasons.

For a document with the complete list of the definitions for these words, click here: Common Graduation Terms and Definitions