Statement on Drug Free Schools and Campuses


California State University, Dominguez Hills provides the following information in response to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. In order to comply with each section, CSUDH will distribute to all students, faculty, and staff annually:

  1. Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use, and/or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school property or as part of any school activities.
  2. A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, State or Federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs.
  3. A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol.
  4. A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs that are available to employees or students.
  5. A clear statement that the institution will impose sanctions on students and employees and a description of those sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of the standards of conduct.


Furthermore, CSUDH will conduct a biennial review of its alcohol and drug programs.

  1. Standards of Conduct

Presidential Memorandum - 99-04 (section 5) outlines the Campus Policy on Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

Policy Goal

CSUDH has a responsibility to maintain an educational environment conducive to academic achievement. The prohibition of illicit drugs helps to assure students, faculty, and staff that the University is exercising this responsibility.

Policy Statement

The unlawful manufacture, distribution (by either sale or gift), dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or a controlled substance is prohibited anywhere on the campus of CSUDH. Sections B and E of this notice, delineate actions that will be taken against those who violate this prohibition.

For the purpose of this policy, the term controlled substance has the meaning given such term in Section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802) and includes, but is not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, cocaine derivatives, heroine, "crack", amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, PCP, and substances typically known as "designer drugs" such as "ecstasy" or "eve." Possession of paraphernalia associated with the illegal use, possession, or manufacture of a controlled substance is also prohibited. The illicit use of alcohol is also included in this policy.

  1. Legal Sanctions

The use of alcohol beverages must be in compliance with California State Law and is strictly limited to persons 21 years of age or older. The possession, transportation, and/or consumption of alcohol by individuals under 21 years of age is strictly prohibited. Federal Law and the State Law prohibit the solicitation, procurement, sale or manufacture of narcotics or controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law. Applicable legal sanctions under local, State, and Federal law for the unlawful distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs range from probation, diversion, imprisonment in the county jail for less than one year, to imprisonment in State Prison. A police officer can take the license from any driver suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs who refuses to take a blood alcohol test.

  1. Health Risks

There are definite health risks associated with the use of alcohol and illegal substances. Alcohol or any other drug used in excess over time can produce illness, disability and death. The health consequences of substance abuse may be immediate and unpredictable, or long-term such as liver deterioration associated with the prolonged use of alcohol. In addition to health related problems, other concerns relating to substance abuse include the following:

  • Regular users of alcohol and other drugs often have erratic lifestyles, which interfere with sleep, nutrition, and exercise.
  • Alcohol and substance use and abuse may lead to financial difficulties, domestic violence, deterioration of the family structure, motor vehicle accident injuries, and reduced school and job performance.
  • Repeated use of alcohol and other drugs can lead to dependence.
  1. Treatment Available


Short-term counseling is available; Student and Psychological Services, Student Health Center, (310) 243-3818.

Faculty & Staff

An employee assistance program is available to all full and part-time employees and their family members. The University maintains a contract with LifeMatters by Empathia. Expert assistance is available 24 hours a day at 1-800-367-7474 or Life Matters. The Alcohol Awareness Coordinating Team (AACT) is a campus advisory committee made up of faculty, staff, students, and community members dedicated to reducing the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. It also provides educational activities, risk reduction programs, and assessments on use and abuse by students.

Alcohol Awareness

  1. University Sanctions

Disciplinary action imposed by the University will not be in lieu of penalty, fines, or imprisonment imposed through the legal system. Disciplinary action for students, which may include penalties up to and including expulsion, will comply with the procedures established in Executive Order 1098 and outlined in the Students' Rights and Responsibilities on the Student Affairs web site at Student Conduct.

 For employees, appropriate personnel action will be taken within 30 days, and may include penalties up to and including termination. Disciplinary action for employees will be conducted in accordance with current collective bargaining agreements and HEERA procedures.