
CNBS Values

Core Mission

The core mission of the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences is to prepare individuals for careers in scientific research, math/science education, or applied science fields such as medicine, dentistry, engineering, computer technology, and clinical psychology. Disciplines represented in the College include Anthropology, Behavioral Science, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Geography, Mathematics, Sociology, Physics, Political Science and Psychology. The College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences contributes to the general education program in three ways; first, through its offering of mathematics courses designed for students to develop basic quantitative skills, secondly, through the offering of non-major courses that introduce students to general scientific concepts and methods, and, thirdly, through the offering of upper-division integrative studies courses in Science, Math, and Technology (SMT) and Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS). In an increasingly technological society, graduates with degrees in natural or computational sciences are in high demand. Public schools, in particular, are aggressively recruiting highly qualified teachers in math and science to prepare the next generation of scientists and science educators. Virtually every organization needs individuals who can coordinate their electronic communication networks, maintain their hardware and software, and manage large databases. State and Federal agencies allocate billions of dollars each year for biomedically related research of various kinds, including psychological research, ultimately in pursuit of cures for the numerous illnesses and diseases that plague humankind today and to save our environment. Still other Federal agencies award large grants for military and outer space research. Careers in the natural and behavioral sciences can be very lucrative and personally rewarding.

The Faculty

The College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences prides itself on being the home of a number of outstanding teaching award recipients. As teacher-scholars, they are devoted to teaching in both the lecture format as well as the hands-on laboratory format, where students learn firsthand what it means to "do science." To their credit, faculty in the College have received Federal training grants to provide support for minority undergraduate students in the sciences. The National Institutes of Health sponsored MBRS RISE and MARC USTAR programs are exemplary of this effort. Students graduating from RISE and USTAR continue in top Ph.D. programs at universities across the country and become part of the nation's biomedical workforce. In addition, through a collaboration with California State University-Fullerton, the Physics faculty at CSUDH have developed an Engineering Option in the Physics undergraduate program that prepares students for immediate entry into the Electrical Engineering graduate program at Fullerton.

Teaching and Learning

  1. We value teaching and learning practices that enable and demand excellence in the academic performance of our students.
  2. We value a learning environment that facilitates student and faculty engagement within and outside the classroom.
  3. We value the ongoing excellence of our University library in providing the resources needed by students, faculty and the wider community.
  4. We value the use of varied modes of instruction within our academic and support programs, to enhance teaching and learning.
  5. We value the role of technology in teaching & learning.

Academic Standards

  1. We value outstanding academic performance and encourage each student to strive for excellence.
  2. We value liberal arts, natural sciences and social sciences because of their primary role in the development of critical intellectual and learning skills and understanding the world.
  3. We value graduate education that fosters higher-level cognitive skills in our students and prepares them for leadership positions.
  4. We value programs which prepare highly qualified students for the world of work by emphasizing academic inquiry, personal integrity, and a commitment to lifelong learning.
  5. We value professional education which promotes critical thinking and a high level of ethics to prepare students to assume professional roles in the community.
  6. We value the training of high quality educators in our respective disciplines.
Research and Scholarship
  1. We value faculty research, scholarship and creative activity and engagement of students in those endeavors.
  2. We value equipment, technology, training, support and library facilities that enable faculty and students to stay current in their fields.
  3. We value the pursuit of external funding.
  4. We value disciplinary and multi-disciplinary collaborative research, both internally and externally. 


  1. We value and foster learning environments that respect and support our diversity.
  2. We value support of our highly diverse multiethnic and multicultural populations.

Maximizing Learning Opportunities

  1. We value accessibility to our programs to meet the needs of our diverse constituents.
  2. We value support services and resources that maximize our students’ progress to graduation.

Global Perspectives

  1. We value teaching and research that incorporates global and cross cultural understanding.
  2. We value inter-collegiate research and collaboration with colleagues from other cultures and countries in our respective disciplines.
Collegiality and Transparency
  1. We value collegiality. 
  2. We value transparent and open decision-making processes.