Program Admissions and Credentials Unit

Program Admissions and Credentials Unit (PACU)

College of Education
COE 1414
Phone: (310) 243-3525 

Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. (First week of the semester and the week before finals)

What We Do

Our office provides you with information throughout your academic journey in the College of Education. We offer expert advice and guidance to assist candidates with a wide range of topics, including:

  • Program admissions applications and deadlines
  • Credential request processes
  • Faculty directories and office hours
  • Credential resources
  • Campus services

We'll provide you with a single convenient source of information. We'll help you meet program admissions deadlines and sign up for the appropriate orientations and application workshops.

Program Admissions

(310) 243-3530

Our office provides assistance with submitting and processing your program application for admission to the teaching credential (Multiple Subject, Single Subject and Special Education), services credential programs and graduate or certificate program of choice. We'll help you check on your application status and understand program application procedures. We verify the candidate has successfully completed admission requirements for program eligibility.

Credential Information

(310) 243-3353

Our office provides assistance to our credential candidates as they work on completing their credential and program requirements, and with the processing of the credential recommendation to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (C.C.T.C). We verify the candidate has successfully completed requirements for eligibility and issuance of a California teaching or services credential. We can assist with:

In addition, we assist former credential program completers with credential licensing verification for out of state.

COE Credential Program applicants. Do you need assistance with Cal State Apply and program application? Stop by or join us for a virtual workshop.




Mondays - Thursday

11:00am - 12:00pm


Monday - Thursday

2:00pm - 4:00pm

COE 1414

Credential Application Help Session Flyer

Credential Program Application Information session