Meet Subject Matter

California Education Code requires that all candidates for a teaching credential must demonstrate they are proficient in the subject matter area of their intended credential

Subject matter proficiency may be demonstrated through one of the following options:

  1. Through a major that matches a subject matter in which the commission credentials candidates (see more information below).
  2. Passage of a subject matter examination (the California Subject Examination for Teachers or CSET).
  3. Completion of a subject matter program approved by the commission.
  4. Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institutions of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements.
  5. Through a combination of coursework and CSET so that all domains are met.

More information from CTC:

Subject Matter Chart of Options:

Meeting Subject Matter through Major

With the passing of AB 130, it is possible to meet subject matter through a major that matches the majors specified in the legislation.

  • The major match should be done by the approved teacher education program where you will be completing your credential as the credential analyst of that institution must verify the major match when recommending you for a credential at the end of your program.
  • The majors (BA/BS/MA/MS) must have been conferred by a regionally accredited university and the academic degree major must match the subject area of the credential being sought.
  • Submitted transcripts must show the conferral of the degree. Please do not submit until your degree is posted on your transcripts.

This option is currently available for candidates who have completed an academic degree in a major that exactly matches one of those identified in the law as indicated below:

Subject Matter for Multiple Subjects may be met by the following majors:

  • Liberal Studies
  • Elementary Education
  • Liberal Arts (must say Liberal Arts as the degree)

AB 130 also allows for a bachelor’s degree or higher in a major that includes all of the subject areas identified in Education Code §44282(b): language studies, literature, mathematics, science, social studies, history, arts, physical education, and human development.

Single Subject Credentials: The major must match in one of the subjects named in Education Code section 44257(a). In addition, any degree major that includes the name of the subject area of the single subject credential will meet subject matter. The credential areas that the CSUDH Teacher Education Division offers are:

  • Art
  • Biological Sciences: Biology, biological engineering, or biochemistry
  • Chemistry: Chemistry, chemical engineering and biochemistry
  • English
  • Foundational Science: A degree in engineering or another degree offered by a science department
  • Geoscience: Geology or Earth Science
  • Health Science
  • Mathematics (also a degree in statistics or applied mathematics)
  • Music: Music
  • Physical Education (May say Kinesiology if it also says Physical Education as part of the degree.)
  • Physics: Physics, mechanical or structural engineering
  • Social Science: BA must say Social Science in the degree or student may submit under course review
  • World Language: May be in any of the languages for which there is a credential. For example, a major in Spanish would meet subject matter for World Languages: Spanish. Also includes World Language: American Sign Language (ASL)

Education Specialist Credentials (Special Education)

  • Mild/Moderate Support Needs or Extensive Support Needs candidates may utilize subject matter in multiple subjects or in any single subject area.
  • Early Childhood Special Education Candidates are not currently required to meet subject matter

At this time, the Commission will also accept applied majors in the single subject credential areas (e.g., Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics) and exact majors in one of the single subject areas that may have additional modifiers (e.g., Biology: Environmental Biology; Art: Art History; and Physical Education: Kinesiology).

Download the directions and form below for the major match. The directions will include the link to upload your transcripts to a secure Dropbox. Please, plan ahead as processing may take several weeks.

Subject Matter Through Major Instructions
Major Match Verification Form

Meeting Subject Matter through Coursework Review

Coursework may now be used to meet subject matter for a particular credential type (such as multiple subjects, English, math etc.) instead of CSET or an approved subject matter program. A combination of CSET and coursework may also be used; however, the domains covered by a particular CSET subtest must ALL be met by coursework in lieu of taking that subtest.

Please read the directions carefully and then upload your folder with all required materials to the Dropbox included in the directions.

Directions for Meeting Subject Matter through Coursework:

IMPORTANT: This subject evaluation form is only valid in the College of Education at CSUDH for
admissions and for a credential application at CSUDH.

PLAN AHEAD: the review may take 6-8 weeks. Some reviews are sent to other departments for review and most reviews take 1-3 hours to complete.

Course Review for Subject Matter Worksheets:

Multiple Subjects

Multiple Subjects Worksheet

Single Subject

Earth and Space Sciences
Math (Foundational)
Math (Full credential)
Physical Education
Science (Foundational)
Social Sciences
World Languages