The M.S. in Counseling offers a school option and college option.
The Counseling program also offers the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Authorization, and Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential.
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The M.S. in Counseling offers a school option and college option.
The Counseling program also offers the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Authorization, and Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential.
The M.A. in Education – Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) option is designed for individuals committed to justice and equity in education. We engage cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, critical educational theories, and practical application across all PK-12 content areas.
The M.A. in Education – Dual Language Learning (DLL) option offers multilingual and bilingual education, with some coursework in Spanish.
The M.A. in Special Education is based on curriculum that prepares candidates to assume advanced roles in the field of Special Education. The capstone experience for this degree includes a thesis or a comprehensive essay exam.
The Teacher Induction Program leading to a Clear Education Specialist Credential Program is designed for holders of a Preliminary Credential and includes advanced coursework and Individual Induction Plans.
This credential/master's program offers an accelerated model with pathways using both a hybrid and online delivery model. The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential authorizes holders to provide administrative services in a K-12 setting. The M.A. in School Leadership requires students to complete six additional units on research and learning on top of the 26 units for the Preliminary Credential.
The Clear Induction Administrative Services Credential Program is a two year program offering job-embedded support for novice administrators.
The Teacher Induction Program is designed for Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and/or Education Specialist teachers with CA Preliminary Credentials who seek a Commission-approved Induction program that will advance their professional knowledge, skills, and abilities beyond what was necessary for the preliminary credential, through the lens of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.