Virtual Cohort Info

The Virtual CrEW Cohort will be led by Candice Valenzuela and Dominique Cowling. Course readings will include Liberated to the Bone: Histories, Bodies, Futures by Susan Raffo and Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: A Workbook for Survivors and Therapists by Janina Fisher. The Virtual CrEW cohort will be grounded in ancestral and liberatory frameworks for understanding trauma and its transformative potential in education, and drawing from Candice’s work on reimagining what true resilience is in education. Besides these offerings, participants will engage in accessible, embodied and nature-based practices through various guest workshops below. 

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Guest Workshop: Plantcestral Medicine by Layla K. Feghali

LAYLA K. FEGHALI is a cultural worker and folk herbalist who lives between her ancestral village in Lebanon, and California, where she was born and raised. Feghali’s work is about restoring relationships to earth-based ancestral wisdom as an avenue towards eco-cultural stewardship, healing, and liberation. Feghali’s methods emphasize plants of place and lineage - or “plantcestors”. Her company, River Rose Re-membrance, features a line of plantcestral medicine, education, and other culturally-rooted offerings. It also hosts the Ancestral HUB, an online space for the cross-pollination of ancestral knowledge across diasporic and home communities from Southwest Asia and North Africa.

Feghali has formal certifications and colloquial training in numerous herbal, therapeutic, cultural, and traditional practices for over a decade. Amongst which, she also supports birth-tending processes, and is a certified teacher of EmbodyBirth™/BellydanceBirth®. Feghali builds on a background in movement building, and a MSW, in which she specialized in cultural interventions for addressing trauma and grief.

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Guest Workshop: The Erotic by Leonore Tija

Leonore Tjia offers sex-positive, kink- and polyamory-affirming therapy to recovering perfectionists, people pleasers, and Highly Sensitive People. Her writing, workshops and online offerings help people transform patterns, heal trauma, and access the inner wildness that helps us feel erotically alive.

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Guest Workshop: Healing Justice / Curanderismo by Angela Raquel Aguilar

Angela is a neurodiverse mama, healing arts practitioner, writer, researcher, activist and facilitator. She is an Indigenous Xicana with lineage rooted in N’de and Dine lands of New Mexico and Arizona, and Jalisco, Mexico and she comes to Oakland/Huichin, Ohlone Lands by way of Tongva Lands.

Angela’s change work is grounded in sexual and reproductive justice as ecological justice. She is a traditional life transition worker supporting families with a trauma/grief/healing-informed practice. Angela accompanies survivors of childhood sexual abuse and assault and systems-impacted people to heal our inner children, reclaim our power and curiosity, and reconnect to land. She also facilitates workshops and consults with families and communities about the intersection of birth and healing and the larger implications for societal change embedded in Indigenized birth work.

Angela is an alum of Indigenous Permaculture’s Green Community Leader program, an ethnic studies practitioner with an M.A. in Ethnic Studies, and a community health researcher with a Masters in Public Health. She is also an alum of East Bay Meditation Center’s Practice in Transformative Action. Since 2014, Angela has organized with the Healing Clinic Collective as a practitioner and core member and has served in an advisory role with the Freedom Community Clinic. Angela is honored to continue her life work by deepening into cultural strategy for ecological justice as an MG collective member.