The mission of the Computer Science Department is the creation and transmission of knowledge about the computer science discipline and profession. The mission has three components: teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and service. Foremost in the department mission is the commitment to excellence in all of three areas.
The department strives to prepare students well for either graduate school or a professional career. Our graduates are expected to be able to make the connection between theory and application. We support our faculty efforts to expand the body of knowledge, disseminate their findings through publication and consulting, and engage in intellectual inquiry. Our faculty are involved in curriculum development, textbook writing, and pedagogical innovations. Faculty members are encouraged to play a service role on the campus, throughout the CSU system, and in the local community.
Message from Chair
Program is ABET Accredited
The baccalaureate program (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science) is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,