I'm an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science at the California State University Dominguez Hills, since Fall 2021. I've completed my Ph.D. under supervision of Dr. Sharma Thankachan in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida in December 2020.
Research interests:
My research focuses on String Algorithms, Text Compression and Bioinformatics. For more information, please see my Google Scholar and my dblp.
Selected Publications:
- I/O-Efficient Data Structures for Non-Overlapping Indexing, S Hooshmand, P Abedin, MO Külekci, SV Thankachan, Theoretical Computer Science 2021
- An alignment-free heuristic for fast sequence comparisons with applications to phylogeny reconstruction, SP Chockalingam, J Pannu, S Hooshmand, SV Thankachan, S Aluru, BMC bioinformatics 2020
- FM-Index Reveals the Reverse Suffix Array, A Ganguly, D Gibney, S Hooshmand, MO Külekci, SV Thankachan, 31st Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2020)
- Non-Overlapping Indexing-Cache Obliviously, S Hooshmand, P Abedin, MO Külekci, SV Thankachan, Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2018)
- Faster Computation of Genome Mappability, S Hooshmand, P Abedin, D Gibney, S Aluru, SV Thankachan, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatic 2018
- On computing average common substring over run length encoded sequences, S Hooshmand, N Tavakoli, P Abedin, SV Thankachan, Fundamenta Informaticae 2018
- The heaviest induced ancestors problem revisited, P Abedin, S Hooshmand, A Ganguly, SV Thankachan, Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2018)
- Video-based facial expression recognition using local directional binary pattern, S Hooshmand, AJ Avilaq, AH Rezaie, 2015
Teaching experience:
Teaching as an assistant professor at CSUDH:
- CSC 115 - Introduction to Programming Concepts
- CTC 218 - Digital Logic Design
Teaching as an adjunct instructor at UCF:
- COT 3100C - Introduction to Discrete Structures
- COP 3502C - Computer Science 1
Teaching as an Associate Teaching Assistant at UCF:
- COP 2500 - Concepts in Computer Science
TA experience:
- COT 5405 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms (graduate-level course)
- COP 3502 - Computer Science 1
- COT 3100C - Introduction to Discrete Structures
- COP 3223 - Introduction to C Programming
Professional Activities:
Assistant professor at CSUDH
Adjunct instructor at UCF.
Associate Teaching Assistant at UCF.
Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant (2017-2020)
Graduate Officer in Algorithms and Theory Group (RSO) at UCF
Conference Organizer: SPIRE 2020, StringBio 2019 , StringBio 2018
Reviewer/Subreviewer: SODA, SPIRE, WABI, CPM, Algorithmica, ESA, ACM-BCB
- Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching Instructor 2020
- The awards listed below are for my contributions in scholarly activities and excellent academic standing:
- Gerald R. Langston 2019 Scholarship
- Doctoral Research Support Award 2019
- Gerald R. Langston 2018 Scholarship