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Students can declare a major or minor by filling out a form provided by the Admissions and Records office.
Students can change their major by filling out the Change of Major form provided by the office of Admissions and Records.
The CSUDH Career Center provides assistance with selecting a major.
Contact the CSUDH Records & Registration Office.
The registration fees vary. Consult the current class schedule or the Cashier’s Office for fee information.
To find out about student positions on campus, contact the CSUDH Career Center.
Students can access grades through My.CSUDH, or the Toro Touch Kiosks located in Admissions and Records, Loker Student Union, and the University Library.
See the Student Policies page for information about how to appeal a grade.
Students can refer to the Academic Calendar section in the current class schedule for exact dates for the semester.
Daily parking permits can be purchased at the permit dispensers located near the parking lots throughout the campus. Semester parking permits are available online at MyCSUDH shortly before the semester starts or can be purchased at the Cashier’s Office.
Technology plays an important role on our campus. You can find computer labs in the University Library, Welch Hall, and other areas on campus.
The University Library has special hours of operation during breaks and finals. Please call the Library information line at (310) 243-3715 or refer to the University Library web page.
Complete information on the University Library's Borrowing and Renewals Policy is available here.
Undergraduate students who do not have a major can go to the University Advisement Center for academic advising. Undergraduate students with a major or graduate students should go to their major department for advising.
Students can go to the Student Health Center for medical assistance. The Center is staffed by a group of dedicated health care professionals. For information regarding services, go to the Student Health and Psychological Services site.
There are many student organizations on campus, ranging from clubs to Greek organizations. To find out more, contact the Office of Student Life.
Students can refer to the Academic Calendar section of the class schedule for finals week information.
Contact the Toro Learning and Testing Center. They offer tutoring in a variety of subjects.
The University Honors Program has been temporarilly suspended. For information on the program, contact the CSUDH Office of Academic Programs.
California State University Dominguez Hills has a partnership with turnitin.com, an online plagiarism checker and resource for educators and students concerned with developing quality writing and research skills. For more information on turnitin, visit their site here. You can also visit the CSUDH Plagiarism Policy page to see the official University policy.